10 Inches – Multiple Love Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 121
Estimated words: 113880 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 569(@200wpm)___ 456(@250wpm)___ 380(@300wpm)

Can I see a clear future in front of us?

No. There will be many hurdles to overcome.

Do I think every day is going to be a bed of roses?

I know from Dawn that large harem relationships face challenges like any other.

But do I have faith that we’ll all try our hardest to make it work?

I do.

I started this journey resenting my boss and the subject matter I was tasked with writing about. I had dreams I didn’t feel confident enough to chase and a lack of intimate experience that filled me with regret and shame.

Things may not be perfect, but I can see a route forward that promises greater happiness than I ever thought possible.

Jumping in headfirst has never been my strength, but with these men, I’m excited to take the plunge.

This started with a question ‘does size matter’.

For me, it’s a definite yes!

Yes, times ten!



And we all lived happily ever after!

That’s what you’re expecting me to say, isn’t it?

But that wouldn’t be real. You can’t throw ten men and one woman into a giant untested relationship and not have some bumps along the way. Add in the drama surrounding the photos, Oliver’s betrayal and family issues, and Allie’s work challenges, and for a while we all felt as though we were walking a plank.

But with ten of us to support Allie and Oliver working his ass off to get those photos taken down wherever he could, the exposure became a low rumble in the background of our connection. But it didn’t go away.

That’s the internet for you. A digital footprint is like one of those caveman footprints that end up as permanent fossilized rock.

Our reputations were smeared, but then Stefan contacted Laura McGregor and she invited us onto her reality TV show, McGregors Uncovered, and we hoped things might change.

“How do you guys do this all the time?” Allie asks Laura as a makeup artist brushes her face with something dusty.

“I’m used to it.” Laura grins, glancing over at Ford and Donnie, who have been instrumental in briefing us on dos and don’ts in front of the camera. “It took longer for my guys to accept it was going to be a longer running part of our lives than one season, but we also got better at managing the parts we show and what we keep private.”

“A lot of our relationship has been made more public than we’d have liked.”

Laura nods. “Yeah, that happened for us too, but it became less of an issue once we started filming and people decided they liked us, despite the unconventional relationship.”

Allie’s eyes flick to mine, worried. “You think they could like us the same way?”

“I think they’ll love you.” Laura reaches out and grabs Allie’s hand and I’m filled with warmth for this woman who saw another's distress and wanted to do something to assist. “Especially when they see you with us and hear the background to your love…I mean, it’s a hilarious story.”

“Yeah. I think the fact that my article has been well received will help.”

Grace published Allie’s article in its entirety without editing. I guess a new broom sweeps clean. She’d experienced Kirsty’s controlling hand and maybe she could feel the raw honesty in Allie’s confessions and understood that that honesty would touch readers more than anything she could redraft.

“I loved your article.” Laura places her hand over her heart. “I loved how vulnerable you made yourself but also how you showed the vulnerability in each of the men. And how negative objectification can be.”

“You objectify my cock all the time,” Ford pipes up, and the whole room erupts into laughter.

“You see what I have to deal with?” Laura rolls her eyes, but she’s stifling a grin. “I hope you’re ready for a lot of cock-talk. There’s no getting away from it.”

“You mean today?” Allie widens her eyes, and Laura laughs.

“Well, yes, today. But I meant for the rest of your life.”

“Yeah. Well, it’s kind of inevitable because of the way we met. They’re always reminding me that the basis of our relationship is ten times ten inches.”

“A hundred-inch foundation sounds good to me!”

They both snigger and warmth spills through me to see Allie happy and relaxed. It’s been a while since I saw glimmers of the woman she was when she started exploring her sexuality with us. If being featured in this show can bring that part back, I’m all for it.

“Hey, Clay. I love your tattoos.” Donnie drops onto the couch next to me and stares at my right arm intensely.

“I love your art, man.” We took a tour of their home before makeup and Donnie’s stunning paintings line the walls.

“Thanks.” His strange ethereal eyes drift to my face, fixing there as though he’s seeing me but also seeing through me. “You know, you have an interesting aura.”

I blink, wondering what the hell he’s talking about, but Laura interjects.


