A Real Good Bad Thing Read Online Lauren Blakely

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Insta-Love, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 102071 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 510(@200wpm)___ 408(@250wpm)___ 340(@300wpm)

I took off my sunglasses and met his eyes. I was going out on a limb, but Montez had been a decent guy when I’d been in here. He was the only one who’d given me a tip, even though it had sent me to another shop. That was one reason I trusted him.

The other? My gut.

“A woman I know—a woman I’m close with,” I added, because it was true, “had her diamond stolen from her hotel room here on the island. One of those blue-tinted ones we talked about.”

Montez tsked and shook his head. “That makes me sad to hear. Hope your lady friend won’t hate the island now. But how can I help?”

“You could take a look at this…” I already had my phone out, opened to a photo of the guy with the snake tattoo. I’d found the snap and the guy’s name—Nigel—from the Sapphire website. He wasn’t the only candidate for Mr. Smith, but if Ruby had spotted him possibly following her, I was starting my search with the club’s manager. “Have you seen this guy? He’s also got a snake tattoo on his arm. Might have been trying to turn that blue diamond back into money.”

Montez tensed, nodded to the screen. “Yeah, I’ve seen him around. He was at a café nearby yesterday with the man who runs International Diamonds.”

Yes! First time lucky.

Glancing around the empty shop, Montez lowered his voice. “Everyone here knows International Diamonds turns the blue diamonds. If he stole your friend’s gem, he would have gone straight to them.”

“Yeah, he probably did,” I said, and this new intel placed the man with the snake tattoo at the head of the line of suspects. “Anything else you saw at the café? Did you hear anything?”

Montez shook his head, his eyes etched with worry. “No. I was just walking by on my way back from lunch. But I thought maybe he was there on behalf of Mr. Thompson, since he works for him at Sapphire.”


I hadn’t considered that. It didn’t rule him out as the thief, but he could have been there as Eli’s middleman rather than peddling his own stolen gem.

I was right where I’d started a few minutes ago—circling suspects. “Thanks, man,” I said, and held out a hand to shake.

When I left the shop, I took a minute to recalibrate, weighing my next steps as I breathed out some of my frustrations. But I needed more information most of all, so I called Kate and gave her three names.

“I’ll have intel for you in an hour,” she said in her crisp, businesslike tone.

“Excellent,” I said. “Tell Mason I’m bringing him back a new snorkel mask, and we’re going to dive for buried treasure off the coast of Key Largo.”

Kate laughed. “He’ll be excited.” She downshifted to a softer voice. “He misses you.”

“I miss the little guy too.”

I headed out of the diamond district down Wayboard Street toward Tristan’s, passing International Diamonds along the way. Monica had helped me the other day and had told me about the watermark—and she’d said they’d had other diamonds like it lately. Would she tell me if they’d had more in the last few days? Hard to say but I could duck in and ask if they’d had any others brought in since the other day. But it would have to be after my eleven-thirty appointment. She’d seemed suspicious of me. I didn’t think it was just the tight bun and strict-schoolmarm glasses.

I stopped suddenly on the steps to the restaurant, the hair on the back of my neck standing on end. Dark hair. Tight bun.

I’d just seen that.

I spun around, searching the busy street. There—

But by the time I’d descended the stairs, she’d disappeared. Ducked into a shop, maybe.

Holy shit. Was the sex-toy diamond saleswoman following me?




At eleven-fifteen, I walked to Eli’s club from Jake’s hotel. It wasn’t far, and there was a crystal-blue sky and a cooling breeze. Just another day in this island paradise.

My lunch with Eli wasn’t for another forty-five minutes, but I thought I’d find him at one of his favorite spots first. He’d told me he spent time at Sapphire most days. I’d donned a pink sundress, flip-flop sandals, and a pair of delicate mermaid earrings—quirky but pretty. I’d dressed to appear approachable. Tell me all your secrets, Eli.

The club looked different without flashing lights and cool blue neon signs. Just a gray front door with one security guard manning it. I climbed the steps and told him, “Hi. I’m Ruby Ashley. I’m here to see Eli.”

The guard’s blank expression disappeared and he smiled. “Welcome back, Ms. Ashley. Mr. Thompson is in his office,” the man said, pushing open the heavy steel door. He gestured for me to head inside. “Go right in.”

Sapphire during the day was like a Halloween haunted house with the lights on, exposing all its secrets. Overhead fluorescents unmasked the bar, the floor, the stage, and the balcony, chasing away the slinky, sexy, sultry mood of after-hours. There was no pulse of techno-heavy music. No hum of crowds, no clink of glasses. Just the echo of my sandals as they slapped across the tiles when I crossed the dance floor. As I neared the winding staircase on the other side, I heard my name shouted from above.


