A Rose to Keep (The Society #1) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Society Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 80431 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 402(@200wpm)___ 322(@250wpm)___ 268(@300wpm)

The moment I was unleashed, there was no taming it. This was why I avoided feeling anything. The anger kept me strong. It kept me going.

Minutes passed. I wasn’t sure how long, but when I turned to Sian, I saw tears spilling down her face.

“Feel better?”

“Much.” My voice was hoarse from all the screaming.

Sian took a step toward me and placed a hand on my cheek. “And that is only the beginning.”

“I can’t do this all the time.”

“Then don’t, but if you ever need to unload like this, tell me. We’ll drive together and we’ll find a release for all your tensions.” She let go of my face and the moment she did, I missed her touch.

As she climbed back into the car, I rounded the vehicle to my side, pressing my fingers to my face where she’d touched.

Sian had willingly touched me. It was the best feeling in the fucking world.

Dates had ended in the past with getting my dick sucked or ridden. This was by far the best experience of them all.



We were all wondering the same thing. What had Sian done to Gideon on their date? Since they returned, he’d been happier. I caught him smiling and Gideon with a turned-up mouth in a smile was surreal. In all the years I’d known him, I couldn’t recall a single time he’d been this happy.

Don’t get me wrong, I was so pleased they both came back in one piece, but what did she do?

Tonight was my date.

I waited outside, drawing in my sketchpad as I waited for Sian to be ready. When Gideon and William had started to talk about doing these dates in an attempt to draw Sian closer, I felt it was childish.

We didn’t need to do this. Getting to know each other was overrated. Now as I thought about Gideon’s slight change of personality, I had to wonder what she did.

Sian came out after five minutes. I told her to dress casually. Jeans and a shirt. She’d pinned her hair up and some of the long lengths fell around her face. No makeup, not that she needed any.

She held a jacket over her arm and glanced down at herself. “How do I look?”

“Stunning,” I said.

She rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to lie. You told me to dress like I wanted to get dirty. Kind of strange.” She gave me a spin.

“You’re fine.”

William came out of the kitchen carrying a tub of ice cream. The spoon rammed into his mouth. He swallowed the mouthful and let out a whistle.

“You look nice.”

“Thanks. I don’t know where we’re going.”

“It’s Dante, don’t get excited about it.”

I punched his arm and William pretended to fall back. “Abuse, people, abuse.”

“Do you ever know when to take shit seriously?” I asked.

“I will be taking it seriously when it’s my date.” He winked at her. “I’m going to be the best of both worlds.”

“I have no doubt.”

I held out my hand and Sian placed hers in mine. It was strange, but the moment she took my hand, it felt right. I ran my thumb across her knuckles as I led her out of the dorm. Other students were milling around.

It was the weekend, so we could all come and go as we pleased. Mateo hadn’t come back from whoever he’d gone to see to get us the information we needed.

I was worried us searching Sian’s past for answers was going to get us killed. I kept my thoughts to myself as I wanted to learn everything about her, or as much about her as possible.

“It’s nice out,” Sian said.

Glancing up at the sky, I nodded in agreement. “It is.”

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” she asked.

“It’s a surprise.” To be honest, I wasn’t sure she was going to like it. I pulled my car keys out, beeped the car, and went to the door to let her inside. She climbed in, putting the seatbelt on.

I got behind the wheel, put the keys into the ignition, and turned it over, hearing the engine come to life.

“Are you a car man?” she asked.

“Nah, I just love the sound of the engine. Listen to this beauty roar.” I pressed on the accelerator. The car vibrated a little.

She chuckled. “I’ll take your word for it.”

“You don’t dig cars?”

“They’re great for getting you from A to B, but other than that, no.”

I smiled as I pulled out of the parking lot. I had my identification, which I presented at the security gate. I was handed a pass and told to drive carefully. Nodding at the attendant, I took the car right, heading toward the city.

Sian sat quietly and looked out of the window.

“You can talk, you know,” I said.

“And so can you. I don’t know where we’re going. Can you give me any clues?”

“We’re going to be the only two people there.”


