Adoration (Montavio Brotherhood #2) Read Online Jane Henry

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Montavio Brotherhood Series by Jane Henry

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 68628 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 343(@200wpm)___ 275(@250wpm)___ 229(@300wpm)

Scratch that.

I'm fully aware of what Sergio Montavio is capable of, I just don't know what he's going to decide when it comes to me.

Maybe this wasn't the best idea to come to Eden, but there's a shortage of anonymous, purple-haired women with cars that will come and drive me away from here, so I've kind of made my bed.


Maybe Sergio's in Tuscany. Maybe he's traveling. I don’t know what he's doing, but right now I have to find Eden.

Thankfully, Eden and Sergio aren’t the only people that live in this house, since it's actually owned by Tosca, one of Sergio's relatives, the matriarch of the Rossi family. She's friendly enough if you are on pleasant terms with her, but if you're not, you're kind of fucked. Tosca has a spine of steel and isn't exactly the most hospitable woman. She's nice enough with her friends, though, and luckily for me we're friends.

I pull up my phone and text Eden. I texted her on the way, but she hasn't responded. Eden isn't a texter, though. She barely knows how to use a cell phone because she just doesn't care about them. She's one of those freaks of nature that likes to do things that don't involve interference from social media.

I don't get it either.

To my surprise, though, a few little dots pop up on the screen.

Quinn! Where are you? What's going on?

I hit the call button, thinking that's going to be easier than waiting for Eden to realize she has a text.


"Open the front door, please."

I'm shaking, out in the wide open, where anyone can see me.

Eden opens the door, takes one look at me, grabs my hand, and yanks me into the house.

"Go straight to the reception room,” she hisses.

Reception room? Ooo-K.

“Shhh,” she whispers. "He's here and I don't want him to see you."

Oh, sweet Jesus. Did I just leave Boston only to drive straight back into the arms of the guy that's trying to come after me?

I look around the reception room, wondering where the hell she's expecting me to hide in this stupid place, when Sergio Montavio himself enters the room.

"Ah, there you are. Making my job easier again, are you, Quinn?”

Sarcasm drips from his boss man lips. Eden winces.

I blow out a breath. "Ah, shit."




Did she really think that she was just gonna hop in a car and drive away from me?

Did she really think I didn't know the first person she would come to would be Eden, hoping to plead her case with Eden’s husband, Sergio?

Did she really think that he would take her side over mine?


I know exactly who Quinn is… though I’m not sure she knows who I am. What she doesn't know is that her pretty little ass has been over my knee more times than she can count, because someone likes to be blindfolded, and I happen to like women who don't know who I am.

There are things about her she has no idea I even know.

Pain tolerance? Off the fucking charts.

Snarky mouth? She's begging for someone to put her in her place.

Fear of commitment? Oh, yeah. She's not a member of the club, because she likes to go from one high paying member to the next, like some kind of goddamn game of musical billionaire bed.

“I talk to her first," Sergio says. He’s the boss so what he says goes, but one thing we like about Sergio is that Sergio has respect for his men. It's a two-way street.

I nod my head. "Of course."

Whoever that woman was who drove her here, she doesn't drive as fast as I do.

The second Quinn took off I had eyes on her and she had a tail all the way here.

"You know," Sergio says, stroking his chin thoughtfully, “this might actually work in your favor."

Is it my imagination or does he have something up his sleeve? I give him a look, but I don't say anything.

No one ever knows what the fuck Sergio Montavio is thinking.

Eden speaks to her husband in a small voice. "Can we talk privately, please?"

Sergio looks quietly from me to Eden then back again before he nods. She may be submissive to him because that's what he expects and that's who she is, but it goes both ways. If his wife asked him for anything he would move heaven and earth to give it to her.

Hey, I never said he was perfect.

I blame the Italian lover boy in these men.

Eden and Sergio have a hushed conversation. Her eyebrows go up and her voice rises in pitch, but Sergio’s stays calm and steady. That means nothing, he’d be calm and steady if the roof was caving in, the military was attacking us, and there was a nuclear weapon on the premises. I get nothing from what they're saying to each other. I’m pacing the room, my hands behind my back, wishing he’d just let me deal with the little brat already…


