Agony Read online Kaylee Ryan (Entangled Hearts Duet #1)

Categories Genre: College, Contemporary, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 89688 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 448(@200wpm)___ 359(@250wpm)___ 299(@300wpm)

“Kiss me, Cooper.”

All right then. I close the distance and press my mouth to hers. Her lips are soft and sweet, just like I imagined they would be, minus the hint of alcohol on her breath. I need to pull away, but I can’t do it. When her mouth opens, and her tongue swipes at my lips, any thoughts of pulling away from her are lost. Together we move closer. We’re now a tangle of arms and limbs, but our lips are busy kissing. It’s a kiss that I feel deep in my gut and has my cock pressing painfully against my zipper.

We lose all track of time, getting lost in the kiss. My hand slips under her shirt, and she moans. It’s a deep throaty sound from somewhere deep inside, and it gives me purpose. She wants this as much as I do.

“Tell me to stop.” My words are a breath against her lips.

“No,” she says before sliding her tongue past my lips once more.


That’s what this feels like. Pure, utter, complete bliss to have her in my arms. My hands having free reign to explore her soft skin. My finger brushes across her nipple, and she moans. My cock twitches, wanting in on the action, but I ignore it.

Reese pulls away, and I think she’s finally come to her senses. She finally realizes that we’re kissing and touching, and… it’s not what best friends should be doing, but she surprises me when she sits up and pulls her shirt over her head. What’s even more surprising is when she reaches behind her and wiggles and grunts until her tits spring free from her bra. What’s not surprising is the way my mouth waters when I take in the beautiful woman before me.

Unable to resist, I reach out and test their weight in the palm of my hands. My thumb glides over her nipple, and she shudders, tilting her head back.

“Come here.” My voice is gruff and full of need.

Once she’s lying back on the bed, I capture a nipple in my mouth. Her back arches off the bed and her hands find their way to my hair. I nip and suck like it’s my fucking job, and with each pass of my tongue, with each taste, I fall even further under her spell.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I know that what we’re doing is a bad idea. How do you come back from this? However, with Reese in my arms, I can’t seem to find it in me to care. My hand slides to her waist and easily slips under the band of her leggings. I can’t seem to rip my mouth away from her tits, but when my hand reaches her pussy—when I feel how wet she is for me—I pull back to find her watching me.

“Fuck, Reese.”

“Don’t stop.” Her cheeks are flushed, but her voice is clear.

Sliding my fingers through her folds, I push one long digit inside her. “Oh, God,” she moans.

My cock is hard, painfully so, but I push forward. Giving her what she asks for. Slowly, I pump in and out of her, until my hand is coated. I add another digit, and her hands that are buried in my hair, tighten their grip.

“God, Coop, what’s happening to me?” she asks, breathless.

That gives me pause. I stall my movements and look up at her. “Have you ever had an orgasm, Reese?” Fuck, I hate thinking about her with anyone but me.

She nods. “But only ones I’ve given myself.”

I don’t ask who she’s been fucking, because I’ll kill him, so instead, I push the thought of someone else seeing her like this and begin to pump my fingers inside her. My mouth clamps down on her breast, and my thumb swipes across her clit. I have one goal. I want to make her come. I want to be the first man to ever give that to her.

I wish I could be the last.

That sobers me up. What the fuck are we doing? Reese is my best friend, not some random girl. She’s more than a drunken hookup. I worry that we’ve gone too far, but I can’t stop. I won’t stop until I give her what she needs. Turns out, that doesn’t take long. I suck hard on her nipple, as my thumb presses harder on her clit. I feel her walls squeeze my fingers. Her hands about rip my hair out of my head, and she cries out my name.

I don’t worry about anyone hearing her, not with the party going strong downstairs. What I do worry about is if I just fucked up? Did I just lose the best thing that ever happened to me, for a quick taste? For a quick feel? I don’t remove my fingers until she settles into the mattress, and her hands fall from my hair.


