Another One Bites the Dust Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Freebirds #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Freebirds Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 97275 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 486(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

Taking the cap off silently, I set the tip against his back, letting him feel the wetness. “Come on, Dick. Tell me.”

His whimpered, very unmanly like, but still held his mouth pinched closed. “Alright, my boy. If that’s how you want to play it.” I said and then smiled.

I made sure to press down hard with my red paint pen, and then drew it along the length of his spine. I went so slowly that once I was done, rivulets of red ran down his back at a fast clip, disappearing into the ripped remains of his t-shirt that was tucked into his jeans.

His sharp inhalation let me know that he was rattled, but still not enough to talk. Again and again, I ran the pen over various parts of his back. Knowing that he wasn’t going to speak until I did something he deemed life threatening, I grabbed ahold of his slicked back hair, and drew his neck up taught until the line of his neck was exposed.

“Last chance.” I said and set the pen against his out of control fluttering pulse.

I held it down just so he could get the feeling of the paint running, and then stopped. He finally burst. “Okay! Okay! Stop!” He pleaded repeatedly.

I smiled and let his head go, before dropping the pen back into my pocket. “Go.”

He really did look a sight. Red was running down his back in lines, resembling shallow cuts. “She came to me the day I got fired. She said that if she got me back on the force, she wanted something in return. She wanted all the information we had on you, and she wanted constant updates. I did drive-bys of your work, every fifteen minutes on my day off. I switched cars at least once an hour. I swear that’s all I did. It was only information.”

I already knew all this, but it was nice to have it on tape so I could send it to James, who would then get it to O’ Hare. She’d take care of the problem, and then I’d take care of her. Red and blue lights seeped through the blinds at the front of my house, and I sat down in a kitchen chair across the table from Dick. Placing my hands on my head, I waited for the count of five, and then they were coming through the door, weapons drawn.

There was no preamble since Luke was informed, he came straight to me, and took in the scene. “What’s going on here?” He asked for effect.

Dick of course started rambling on and on about how I cut his back and throat. Given, it was a gruesome scene, but once you really looked like it, it was blatantly obvious that it was paint and not real blood. The boys started snickering behind him, but they still ‘arrested’ me and led me to the closest cop car.

I gave James a nod; he saluted me, and continued to watch the scene before him. Dick was bellowing like a water buffalo asking for an ambulance, but they ignored him. He was released, and then he came straight for me, threatening bodily harm.

“I want him fried!” He roared at Luke who had stepped in front of the door that was still open.

“We’re taking him to the clink. Not much more we can do for that. Maybe you should go shower. That paints drying. Does it itch?” He provoked.

Dick’s nostrils flared, and he turned on his heels in a huff. Can anyone say drama queen? “The cell phone is under the table leg.” I told Luke quietly.

“Got it.” He said and walked away.

I was taken down to the slammer. Again. Payton was going to freaking kill me.

“Take him to I1.” The chief said as I was processed.

I1 was interrogation room one. He knew and I both knew what I did wouldn’t hold me for long, but if what I thought would happen, happened, then I would be here much longer than what was warranted.

I was led to a rickety chair, in a sickly green room, and left there for twenty minutes. Pillowing my head on my crossed arms, I snoozed until The Chief finally came in to the room.

“Tremaine. I hope you know that we have a very pregnant, very frantic, woman in our lobby right now. She’s threatening to kick everyone’s asses if we don’t let her innocent husband go. She of course was made aware of why you were arrested, but she insists that it was just a prank. Any idea why she would say that?” He goaded.

I kept my mouth shut. Having Payton frantic didn’t sit well with me, but I just knew this would work if I stuck to my plan. James had better be here with her though, or when I got out, I’d make him wish he was born a girl.

“I knew you wouldn’t cooperate.” He huffed and sat.

He lifted a Christmas Tree Little Debbie out of his front pocket, and promptly started eating it, making sure to make all the appropriate noises one should make when eating those little delicacies. My eyes narrowed on him when he fished the cold bottle of chocolate milk out of his other pocket.

“Payton told me to give you this, except I was too tempted. See, Fancy doesn’t let me have this sort of stuff anymore. Not since I was told I’d die if I didn’t start eating right. It’s been six years now that I’ve survived on rabbit food. Do you know how hard it is to buy something in this little town? Every single thing gets back to her.” He groaned and then licked his fingers.

“You bastard!” I hissed.

He laughed and then took the other tree out of his pocket, opened it, and the placed it down in front of me. I didn’t hesitate in snatching it up and shoving it into my mouth whole.

Damn these things were good. Of course, they only came out around Christmas time, so I gorged myself on them during the two months they graced the earth with their presence. Licking my fingers, I went for the unopened bottle of chocolate milk he’d placed in front of me, but he held it out of my reach.


