Beast (MC Fables #1) Read Online Penny Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: MC Fables Series by Penny Dee

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 105803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 529(@200wpm)___ 423(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

“Damn, I’m so sorry,” I say, grabbing the napkin and dabbing at the red stain. “Oh look, it’s all over me too.”

Boney does his best not to look annoyed. “I’ll have Millie fetch you some soda water.”

“There’s no need to disturb her. I’ll race to the bathroom and run it under the faucet.”

“No, let me call her, it’s her job⁠—”

I ignore him and stand so quickly I knock the table, and the glasses shake. “I won’t be a moment.”

Not waiting for a response, I get the fuck out of here.

Despite wanting to get away from Boney while I can, I don’t turn left to run out the front door. Instead, I turn right and slip undetected into his den again.

Because like I said, that vile plastic model of the condos on the clubhouse land is a personal insult to me and the club. And I want the world to know what a lying asshole Boney is. Not to mention, a cold-hearted drug lord.

Once inside the den, I pull out my phone and start taking photos, including photos of the room so there is no doubt the model was hidden inside the mayor’s house.

Because when these photos are leaked to the press and appear in Monday’s paper and destroy Boney’s political campaign, I don’t doubt he’ll try to weasel his way out of it and claim he knows nothing about it.

But as I take pictures of it I grow angrier and angrier about it. About the lies. About him trying to destroy the club I love.

About him trying to take my goddamn home from me.

And let’s not get started with his wandering hands at the dinner table.

My inner old lady wakes up and I grab a golf club from the golf bag sitting beside the patio door and start smashing into the model, pulverizing it until it is nothing but a pile of broken plastic.

But it’s not enough. I need to completely destroy it.

I shift my gaze to the fireplace.

There’s a bottle of lighter fluid and a set of matches on the mantle.

It’s stone cold rage I feel when I splash the lighter fluid onto the model. And it’s my inner old lady coming to life when I empty the bottle.

But before I can set fire to it, the door bursts open and Mayor Boney appears in the doorway, red faced and furious when he sees what I have done to his precious model.

“You fucking bitch,” he roars.

I strike the match. “And you’re a fucking liar.”

Before he can move, I drop the match onto the plastic model marinating in lighter fluid, and with a whoosh it lights up like a bonfire.

“No!” Mayor Boney yells from across the room.

He yells for his bodyguard and screams for a fire extinguisher.

“Get her,” he yells when his security men come running.

But I’m already attacking the patio door with a golf club, and when it shatters, I flee across his immaculate lawn and disappear into the night.

I get a mile down the road when I hear the sound of approaching sirens. But coming toward me in the opposite direction is the deep rumbling of a black and chrome Harley Davidson.

It swerves off the road and pulls to a stop in front of me.

“What the fucking hell happened?” Beast asks, climbing off his bike and stalking toward me. “Are you okay? What the fuck did that asshole do to you?”

With two fingers, he tilts my chin so he can inspect my face, looking for signs I’ve been harmed.

“I’m okay, he didn’t hurt me.”

“Are you sure?”

I put my hand on his chest and feel the rapid pounding of his heart through his cut. “Beast, I’m fine.”

“You smell like lighter fluid and smoke.” His gaze sweeps over me, all warm and protective. “What did you do?”

I look into my husband’s eyes. “I told him to stop messing with my club.”



I hear the rumble of approaching motorcycles and turn to see my club brothers riding toward us.

After leaving the clubhouse with Lars, Viking, Bear, and Axe, I saw the orange glow of a fire in the distance and doubled my speed, tearing through the night ahead of them, my gut telling me Belle needed me.

Now, my brothers pull in behind us, the heavy thump of their Harleys vibrating across the ground.

I walk over to Lars and point to the black smoke drifting across the sky. “The sheriff will be there by now. Keep an eye on the situation and report back to me.”

Lars’s bright blue gaze slides to Belle and then back to me. “Do we know what we’re walking into?”

“My old lady showed Boney what she thought about him trying to take our land.”

Amusement tugs at Lars’ mouth. “Have I mentioned how much I like your old lady?”

In the distance, the bellow of a fire truck cuts into the twilight.


