Beast (MC Fables #1) Read Online Penny Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: MC Fables Series by Penny Dee

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 105803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 529(@200wpm)___ 423(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

Thirty minutes ago, I was lying beside Belle in bed with my arms wrapped around her, feeling fucking content because I was holding my girl in my arms.

Now I’m here watching this shit on the monitor in front of me.

I narrow my eyes as I absorb what I am seeing.

It’s Gaston walking into a bar somewhere on the edge of town.

And he’s wearing an Unhinged Psychos cut.

“Are you sure this is a good idea? Because personally, I’m not convinced,” Lars grumbles as we move through the shadows undetected.

He has to increase his pace to keep up with me as we walk toward the bar where Gaston is drinking.

“I have to see this for myself,” I say, turning into an alleyway that smells of rotten vegetables.

“You know this could go pear shaped at any point, right?”

He’s right. This is Psychos territory.

Shit could go south at any second.

“I can handle any trouble the Psychos might start.”

“It’s not the Psychos I’m worried about. It’s your brother and the nest of vipers he drinks with. Some of them make the Psychos look like toddlers.”

“You didn’t have to come,” I remind him.

“And let you have all the fun when you finally give this prick what he deserves, no fucking chance.”

“We’re not here to start something. Just to observe.”

“Fuck observing. Let’s break some bones.”

I stop at the back door leading into the bar. It’s locked. But I rip it open and we slip inside quietly.

It’s a strip joint. With lots of dim lights and shady corners. In the center of it all is a stage where a naked girl twirls around a gleaming silver pole.

Gaston is sitting by the stage, drinking beer with four other bikers.

We slip unnoticed into a booth hidden deep in a shadowy corner. The room pulses with the heavy beat of the music. Girls parade past us offering lap dances but we quietly wave them on, our focus firmly on Gaston and the bikers he’s sitting with. I recognize one of them. His name is Gunner, and he’s the president of the Unhinged Psychos.

I know if they see us then it’s going to get ugly. Guns will be drawn. Knife blades will glint in the neon lights. And a part of me hopes they do. But it would mean a lot of innocent people would get hurt.

Although, it’s unlikely to happen. The bikers are too drunk to notice we’re even here. Too preoccupied with snorting coke off the table in front of the stage and watching the naked girl twirling on the pole.

“Have you seen enough?” Lars asks.

I’m about to reply when Gaston gets up and moves toward the restrooms.

“Meet me outside,” I say to Lars as I leave the booth.

I follow Gaston through the crowd and into the dingy restroom. I burst in and catch him by surprise, wrapping my arm around his neck and cutting off his air supply.

“Nice cut,” I say into his ear as he struggles for breath.

“Fuck you.” He chokes, clawing at me.

“No, fuck you, you motherfucking Psycho.”

I drag him into one of the stalls and shove his face into the dirty toilet water. He fights and bangs his palms against the toilet seat. When he starts to go limp, I yank him back so he can catch his breath.

Letting him go, I spit on him. “That’s what I think about you and the cut you wear.”

He coughs up dirty water and spits it at the toilet bowl. “You’ll pay for this, Beast.”

“Oh yeah, and what are you going to do? Hide behind that cut as you come after me. I’d like to see you fucking try.”

I turn my back on him to walk away but the stupid fuck doesn’t know when to quit.

His voice stops me.

“She’s a pretty girl, that Belle.”

Rage explodes across my brain. Bright fireworks of fury lighting up behind my eyes. I swing back to look at him. Just hearing him say her name makes me want to drown him in the toilet water.

I reach down and grab him by the collar and shove his face against the toilet seat, pressing his cheek hard against it. “Say her name again and I’ll drown you right here in this festering shithole. I dare you. I double dare you, you weak fuck.”

I should kill him right here. But I’ve still got enough control to know it wouldn’t be very smart. Not with four rival bikers and a room full of innocent people on the other side of the door. Not to mention we’re deep in Psychos territory. One phone call and this place will be crawling with the fuckers.

Besides, this isn’t about brawling with the Psychos tonight. This about me and my piece-of-shit brother.

I want him to live out his days with another club’s cut on his back, always looking over his shoulder because he knows it can’t protect him from me. Because when I’m ready, I will take it from him. Just like I will take his last breath.


