Beautiful Mistake Read Online Vi Keeland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 87031 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 435(@200wpm)___ 348(@250wpm)___ 290(@300wpm)

Lydia looked at her watch. “Umberto, it’s almost time for mass. Do you want to get washed up before the service?”


She turned to Caine and me. “Would you like to join us?”

Even though I was definitely not a Sunday mass person, I’d joined them on a few occasions to observe Umberto’s reactions to the music.

“I think we’re going to head out,” I told her. “It’s getting late.”

As we were saying our goodbyes, Umberto looked to Caine. “You going to take Max out now?”

Caine went along with it. “Yeah. I’ll take good care of Max.”

After the nurse took Umberto back to his room to get ready, Lydia walked us to the lobby. “Somehow I don’t get offended that my husband has fallen in love with another woman and doesn’t remember me, but every time he remembers Max, I can’t help but be insulted.” She laughed, but seemed only half kidding. “So, I hope our Rachel scored an A today. The musical therapy really seems to be working.”

I smiled. “It’s not like that. Professor West doesn’t give me a grade. He sort of oversees the research I’m doing and the writing of my paper.”

“Oh. Okay. Well, I hope you were impressed.”

Caine looked at me with warmth in his eyes. “I was. Very.”

Lydia gave me a hug. “See you next week?”

“I’ll be here.”

“Will I be seeing you again, Professor?”

“If Rachel will have me.”

Umm. Are we talking literally or figuratively here?

Back in the car on the drive home, I could tell something was on Caine’s mind. He was quieter than usual.

“Did you want to go to mass? I didn’t even think to ask you before I declined, and I’ve monopolized your entire Sunday.”

Caine glanced at me and back to the road. “Haven’t gone to church in fifteen years. Wouldn’t step back inside if you paid me.”


Fifteen years ago

What the hell is she doing?

I ducked behind a wide marble column to watch. I was later than usual because Liam had been screwing around at band practice, and we all lost track of time trying to learn a new song he’d written while drunk last night. Half of what he’d chicken-scratched down on a brown paper bag was smeared and unreadable. But the other half was pretty damn good. So we riffed and riffed, trying to get the jackass to remember the words he’d written.

I normally showed up at twelve-thirty and set myself up in the confessional to wait. My little friend generally wandered in sometime before one. But today I was late, and she was early. At least I thought she was early. I hadn’t really ever seen her clearly enough to be positive it was her. For all I knew, I could be hiding from some other random little girl who’d wandered into church on Saturday afternoon.

The old wooden confessional was dark to begin with, and the latticed grate that separated us made it even more difficult to make out any detail other than her ponytail. I knew she had dark hair and was tiny—just like the little girl currently peeking into the priest’s side of the confessional. I watched curiously from a distance as she looked around and then opened the door. She stepped inside for a half a second and then darted back out and into the parishioner’s side—the sinner’s side.

Five minutes passed, and she hadn’t opened the door back up, so when the coast was clear, I made my way over and slipped inside for my priestly duty. The booth looked as it normally did, except for two coins on the floor. I figured maybe she was trying to get a peek at the priest.

“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.”

It had to have been at least six weeks now we’d been doing this, yet every time she said those words, I felt an ache in my chest. She was carrying too much baggage for a kid. Lately, we didn’t even talk about the sins she thought she was committing. She just showed up and we shot the shit for a half hour or so. I got the feeling I was the only adult she trusted. Which was pretty fucking ironic considering I wasn’t even really an adult yet, and I’d been lying to her since the first minute she stepped into the booth.

“How was your week?”

“I got in trouble at school.”

I smiled to myself. “Oh yeah? What did you do?”

“It was also a sin.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Well, you know the boy who sits next to me that I told you about? Tommy?”

“The one who always has his hand down his pants?”

“That’s him. He made me say a bad word, and I got detention. We both got detention.”

“How did he make you say a bad word?”

“We were reviewing shapes in class for some state test. The teacher drew a diamond on the board and asked what shape it was. We’d learned rhombus a few years earlier, but when she called on me to answer, I forgot the word. The teacher gave me a hint to try and help me. She said it started with an R. I got excited because I thought I remembered, and I yelled out the wrong R word.”


