Because the Night – A Vampire Romance Read Online Kylie Scott

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 63
Estimated words: 59151 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 296(@200wpm)___ 237(@250wpm)___ 197(@300wpm)

“We had more pressing issues to attend to,” says Lucas, calm as always.

“You had a bullet in you. What if I had grabbed hold of your shoulder or something?”

“I probably would have mentioned it then.”

“Be still.” Benedict roots around with the pliers. So gross. Our advanced healing means the skin and flesh keep adhering to the tools. He carefully starts pulling the pliers free of the messy wound. “There we go. It is all in one piece.”

Lucas sneers in disdain at the blood-covered wooden bullet.

“It’s a whole new level of kink, really.” Henry shakes his head in wonder. “Having sex with a bullet lodged in your shoulder. Your strength and tolerance for pain are ridiculous, Father.”

“I would have cried like a baby,” says the Viking. “It would not be appealing for a lover to see.”

“Oh, me, too,” agrees Henry. “But I, for one, salute the way Father’s thirst overcame his common sense.”

“My thirst?” asks Lucas.

“Your yearning, shall we say, for our darling Skye.”

“Ah,” says Lucas with understanding. “Shut up, Henry.”

I sit in the corner of the Chesterfield hugging a cushion to my chest. My human family always gave each other a certain amount of space. My undead family, however, do not. They’re happily all up in each other’s business. It’s going to take some getting used to.

I don’t intend on having sex with Lucas again anytime soon. Even though it was amazing. It just wouldn’t be a good idea. Our relationship is complicated enough. And there’s no reason why a hookup between him and me should be a big deal. Just because it was the best sex I’ve ever had. This is definitely one of those situations where we did it once to get it out of our systems, and the weird attraction between us is over now.

“You should feed,” says Benedict.

“Do you want me to call Monica?” asks Henry.

Lucas’s gaze shifts to my face. “No,” he says.

Henry looks between us with interest. “If gender is an issue, for some mysterious reason we won’t get into, my yoga instructor Gustav lives nearby. Now, he takes the ‘body as a temple’ idea seriously. His blood is as clean eating as you can get. Or there’s the delightful Dylan to consider. They’re an artist from Silver Lake. I find the lingering scents of charcoal and oil paint on skin so soothing for some reason. But that might just be me.”

Lucas says nothing but gives me definite side-eye. Which isn’t wildly suspicious at all.

“I don’t understand what’s going on,” says Benedict.

“It’s relationship stuff,” answers Henry. “I’ll explain later.”

And now they’re all looking at me. Great. “It’s none of my business who you feed from.”

Lucas gives me another long look before asking, “Would you be so kind as to fetch me a blood bag, Skye?”


“Here’s another new word for you, Father.” Henry bites back a smile. “Simp.”

I say nothing and head for the kitchen upstairs. Getting away from the three of them for a moment sounds like a damn good idea.

Nothing is going on with Lucas and me. The events of the last half hour were an aberration. It was just sex. Sex that has left me feeling better than I ever have. As if pure energy had been poured through my veins. And yet I am more relaxed than I would have thought possible.

It’s probably just a vampire thing and not Lucas-specific, however. He doesn’t have a magic dick. Nor is he emotionally available. (The hot ones never are. Though, to be fair. the rest of them usually aren’t either.) I also do not need a partner who bosses me around all the time. Not to mention the rather extreme age gap between us. So there’s no need for anyone to get carried away and start dreaming of a happy ever after.

The rest of the house is quiet and dark. Though, I can see just fine care of my vampire night vision. My own thirst (for blood) has been easier to manage tonight. But I grab a bag for me out of the fridge, too.

Through the kitchen window, something moves in the garden, out beyond the courtyard. It is as if a shadow coalesces out of nowhere.

And there, staring back at me, is a vaguely familiar man. He wears a button-down shirt beneath a charcoal gray suit. The white of his shirt seems to glow in the dark shadows at the back of the garden. He isn’t even trying to hide. Silver hair cut short, and a face lined with age.

Lucas said it took his brother a while to find a vampire to turn him. It would account for the difference in ages. Marc makes a handsome and commanding figure. Though, perhaps that is down to the similarity in bone structure between the two brothers.

His fine lips curve into a welcoming smile at the sight of me, and his gaze softens as he takes in my face. But the word Ana appears inside my head, surrounded by rage. Pure, blood-boiling fury. Without a doubt, this creature would tear me limb from limb given the chance.


