Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

He pulls back, giving me an enquiring eye. ‘Are you holding back on me?’ he asks sharply.

‘Yes, are you?’ I toss back at him, unimpressed by his attitude towards my concern.

‘Hey,’ he grates, quite loudly, considering the close proximity of our company. ‘Who do you think you’re talking to?’ he asks on a scowl, his grip on my knee tightening.

I shake my head. ‘Let’s see what your reaction would be if a mystery man pulled me away from you for over an hour.’ I look him straight in the eye, noticing Sarah’s sly smile behind him. She can fuck off. I’m in no mood for her.

His eyes soften, his tense jaw easing up a bit. He releases his grip of my knee and strokes up to the juncture of my thighs. I tense. He knows what he’s doing. ‘Ava, please don’t say things that will make me crazy mad.’ His voice has softened, but I can still detect the slight anger in his tone. ‘I’ve told you not to worry so you shouldn’t. End of.’

‘Stop kissing all of the women.’ I turn back towards the table, ignoring his hot touch through my dress. I’m simmering on the inside with possessiveness. I’m getting as bad as him, and this conversation is going to get us nowhere – not here and now, anyway.

Chapter 21

When dessert and coffee has been served and my cheeks hurt from Kate and Sam antics at the table, John stands and announces, in his usual booming voice, that everyone should clear the room so it can be emptied of tables, ready for the band.

Jesse stands and helps me up from my chair, making a meal of showering me with attention, which I petulantly brush off. He’s trying his hardest to distract me from my sulks. I’m stopped from walking away from the table when he grabs my elbow and whirls me around so we’re front on front.

He burns a hole into me with pools of green displeasure. ‘Are you going to behave like a spoilt brat for the rest of the evening, or have I got to take you upstairs and fuck some sense into you?’

I recoil at his animosity as he looks past me and smiles, obviously acknowledging someone who is behind me. He returns his eyes to mine, his smile disappearing instantly. I’m stunned by his reaction to my grievance. He reaches around me and places a firm palm on my bum, pushing me into his groin and circling those damn hips, hard and slow. I curse my treacherous body for tensing, and my hands for instinctively flying up to grab his shoulders.

He leans into my ear. ‘Do you feel that?’ He grinds hard again.

I lose the battle to restrain my moan of pleasure. I do not want to be getting horny here because there is not a chance in hell I’m going to let him take me while we’re in this place. Not ever.

‘Answer the question, Ava.’ He clamps onto my earlobe and drags it through his teeth.

My grip of his shoulders tightens. ‘I feel it.’ My voice is broken and low.

‘Good. It’s yours. All of it.’ He pushes harder, further into me. ‘So stop with the fucking sulks. Do you understand me?’

‘Yes.’ I exhale into his shoulder.

He releases me and stands back, raising expectant eyebrows at me. I nod, trying to gather myself together. Will he always have this influence on me? I’m trembling and seriously rethinking my vow to avoid sex at The Manor. I could, quite easily, drag him upstairs to one of the private suites and let him eat me alive.

I glance past him and catch the viper glare of Sarah, and in a pathetic stamp of ownership, I put myself into Jesse’s chest again and look up at him with sorry eyes.

He gives an approving nod of his head and leans down to rest his lips on mine. ‘That’s better.’ he says into my mouth. He turns me around and starts guiding me out of the summer room. ‘I’m struggling to deal with all of the admiring stares you’re attracting.’ he says, placing his hand firmly at my lower back.

I scoff. He has to be joking. I’m surrounded by women, who all, for absolutely sure, want me gone. I’m severely gatecrashing their party. ‘You’re attracting quite a bit of attention yourself.’ I muse, just as we pass an attractive brunette.

She smiles brightly at Jesse and strokes his arm. ‘Jesse, you’re looking as delicious as ever.’ she gushes.

I can’t help the small shocked burst of laughter that flies from my mouth. She’s got some front, and I’m hugely offended that she clearly thinks I’ll just take her brazen flirting without so much as a word. I’m about to stop and put her in her place, but Jesse pushes me on, preventing me from following through on my intent. I’m shocked by the shameless hussy.


