Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

He cradles himself between my thighs and gazes down at me, his face thoughtful as he strokes the exposed underside of my arms. Isn’t he going to let me go? The erotic tones of Enigma are still flooding my hearing and it’s not helping with my pre-exploded state.

‘I might keep you like this forever.’ He drops his lips to mine and sweeps his tongue through my mouth. ‘This way, I will know where you are all of the time.’

‘I think that might be falling dangerously close to sex slave territory.’ I mumble into his mouth. He’s not so unreasonable to handcuff me permanently.

‘And that’s a problem because?’

‘Because I would like to think that you want me for more than my body.’

‘Oh, I want you for more.’ He trails his lips up my face and back down, plunging his tongue back into my mouth. ‘Like my wife.’


I very nearly bite his tongue off in shock. He continues taking my mouth, like he hasn’t just said that after he’s ejaculated into my mouth and has me restrained.

He eventually pulls back and looks down at my stunned face. ‘Marry me.’ he demands softly.

‘You can’t ask me that when I’m handcuffed to the bed!’ I splutter. Jesus, what if I say no? Is he going to fuck some sense into me while he’s at it?

Holy shit! He would as well!

‘Does someone need some sense fucking into them?’ he says quietly, and then takes my lips again.

I’m completely stunned. He can’t fuck a yes out of me for this! I inwardly laugh because he absolutely could and he probably would.

He pulls back, drops his eyes and sighs. ‘That was a joke, a very badly timed joke.’ He starts chewing his lip and the cogs start whirling around in that beautiful mind of his. He eventually looks back at me, and I try to rid my face of its fixed stunned expression. It’s hard. He’s cuffed me to the bed, masturbated on me, come in my mouth and then demanded I marry him? This man really is crazy mad. I lay beneath him, absolutely astounded, no obvious replies popping into my head.

‘You completely consume me, Ava. I can’t function without you. I’m totally addicted to you, baby.’ His voice is soft and unsure. My confident, domineering ex-playboy is nervous. ‘You own me. Marry me.’

I stare up in his painfully handsome face, still in complete shock. I didn’t see that coming, not in a million years. I only really decided last night that I would move in, although Jesse, in that crazy mind of his, had me moved in a week ago. He’s frantically chewing his lip and watching me as I try to figure out what is happening. I’m twenty six years old, he’s thirty seven. Why am I thinking about our age difference now? It’s never mattered before. What I should be more concerned about is his challenging ways. I’m not even going to consider that he will change if I agree to marry him. He’s never going to change, but that’s who he is, that is part of the man I love.

‘Okay.’ The whispered word falls out of my mouth without much thought at all. This is the natural progression for us. It may be a bit premature, but whether he asks me now or in a year, the answer will always be the same. ‘You’re my life.’ I add, just to reinforce my love for him. I want to be stuck to him forever, even with all of his challenging ways. I love him. I need him.

The stunned expression that was riddling my face has now made its way onto Jesse’s, and the cogs are spinning so fast I can see them beginning to smoke. ‘Yes?’ he asks quietly.

‘It’s instinctive.’ I shrug and then realise that I’m still handcuffed to the bed. ‘No sense fuck required. Can you let me go now?’

He flies into a panic and jumps up to retrieve the key from the bedside table, making quick work of undoing the cuffs. I grasp my wrists to rub some life back into them, but I’m soon disturbed when I’m dragged up from under him and completely engulfed in his body as he squeezes me to him. Did he think I would say no?

Holy fucking shit! I’ve just agreed to marry this controlling, neurotic ex-playboy and I’ve known him for a matter of weeks. Oh God, my parents are going to burst a blood vessel.

He falls back onto the bed, taking me with him and buries his face in my neck. He has a vice grip on me and I haven’t got the heart or inclination to tell him to ease up. I’m not going anywhere – not ever now.

‘I’m going to make you so happy.’ His voice is broken.

I wriggle a little to free myself, but he keeps his face exactly where it is. I work harder, prizing myself from him until I find his eyes. They’re glazed. ‘You already make me happy.’ I smooth his face and wipe my thumb under his eye, collecting a stray tear. ‘Why are you crying?’ I battle the quiver in my throat that has my own voice unsteady.


