Blyss Read Online J.C. Cliff (Blyss Trilogy #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Crime, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Blyss Trilogy Series by J.C. Cliff

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 88115 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

I hear heavy footsteps crossing the room. I can’t move; my feet are frozen to the floor. If they open the door, they will just have to see me. “Nick, I don’t have the time or the inclination to wipe that kid’s nose at every turn. In fact, I’m getting downright tired of it. She’s a time-consuming, spoiled, rich kid who’s a pain in my ass.”

Travis gives a sardonic chuckle and pure sincerity laces his voice. “I don’t know what the hell you even see in her to begin with, but hey, to each his own, right? I prefer real women, Nick, ones who know how to handle a man like me. Good luck with her. She’s incorrigible.” My heart sinks to the bottom of my stomach, and I want to puke.

“You know what, Travis?” Nick pauses. “I think I need to break her in myself. If she’s that incorrigible while taking double the dose, she’s going to need a firmer hand.”

My gut twists at the thought. I’ve heard enough. Forcing my feet to move, I shake like a leaf all the way down the hall to the bathroom. I’m barely able to contain the rising bile as it works its way up my esophagus, burning the back of my throat. As soon as I open the bathroom door, it’s all I can do to make it to the commode in time. I gag, trying to suppress the inevitable, but my nerves win out. Everything I ate earlier resurfaces with a vengeance. Gah, I hate throwing up. I’m such a mess. My hands and legs are shaking profusely from the aftermath. With my hand, I grasp the silver handicap bar beside me for stability. I slowly rise, thanking my lucky stars I decided to put my hair up today.

Looking around the private bathroom, I’m surprised to see a lock on the door. Seems like all I’ve ever wanted to do for the past week is escape from behind locked doors. Now, I just want the opposite. I take the couple steps to lock the door with shaky limbs.

Flushing the commode, I wash my hands and rinse out my mouth. I grab some towels, running cool water over them to pat over my clammy face and the back of my neck. I simply have no words; I’m too stunned to pick this apart and analyze it. I see tears in my reflection, welling in my eyes. What did I think this was, anyway, this thing between Travis and me?

I jump in surprise when an abrupt pounding sounds at the door. “Julianna! Are you in there?” My hand flies to my fluttering heart, and I shake my head. I can’t take much more of this. More pounding ensues, and the doors handle jiggles. “Julianna!” I recognize Nick’s voice.

I swallow hard, and then speak loudly and as calmly as possible, enough for Nick to hear me through the door. “I’m in here. I’ll be out in a minute.” I can’t have them know I was eavesdropping. Shit, pull it together! I will be damned if they see me cry again. Wouldn’t want to put anyone out by one of them having to wipe my nose, seeing as they’re the ones causing all the chaos in my life.

“I’ll be waiting right outside this door for you, Julianna.”

Turning back toward the mirror, I whisper to myself, “Great, just lovely.” As I finish cleaning up, I give myself a pep talk, making myself hold a smile the entire time, practicing a happy-go-lucky calmness I don’t have. If they have hidden cameras in here, it will look as if I belong in a psych ward right now. The thought makes me laugh; maybe if I go Norman Bates on them, they’ll let me go. Now I really have lost it.

I let out a sigh; time to get this show on the road. Swinging open the bathroom door, I start with a gasp. Nick stands inches from me as his head rests against the doorframe. My God, he’s so handsome he takes my breath away. A piece of his hair dances across his forehead, adding to his sexiness. He smiles at me, showcasing his perfect, white teeth. I reply with a shaky, timid, and forced smile.

“Are you all right, love?” he asks in a low and sinful baritone voice.

I nod my head and feebly respond, “I think I ate something this morning that disagreed with my stomach, but I’ll be all right.”

Eyeing me speculatively for a second, he then pushes himself off the doorframe, and suddenly, I find myself wrapped in his strong arms. It’s an odd embrace. He pulls me in tighter, as if I’m going to evaporate into thin air. There is no underlying sexual prowess to this embrace. It mimics more like a ‘sight for sore eyes’ type of cuddle.


