Boomtown Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Freebirds #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Freebirds Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 93284 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 466(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

Around nine the next morning the day nurse came in to get me up and moving around. Sam had both babies between his legs, sleeping soundly. He had gotten up around six this morning to go to the bathroom. He made it look easy, and only had a slight grimace of pain.

I on the other hand felt like I was dying. I had an arm wrapped around my middle, and the nurse had her arms under my armpits to help me stand. Once my legs were under me I was able to move more easily. I went to the potty, showered with the help of the nurse, and then dressed in yoga pants and a nursing tank from my bag.

Once I was done I felt like a million bucks. Childbirth is disgusting, and I never truly understood how messy it was until I had the girls. Instead of sitting back down in my bed, I hunched walked over to the chair that was on the other side of Sam’s bed. He watched me with a slight pitying look. I didn’t know who had it worse, but neither one of us was in good shape at the moment.

I glanced at his body and drooled a little. I was such a horn dog. I just gave birth to two babies, and here I was panting over Sam less than twenty four hours later. He was wearing flannel pajama bottoms and nothing else. He had put his dog tags back on though.

“I want to get their NB photos taken. One of the pictures is gonna have them holding on to your dog tags.” I said matter of factly.

He smiled and ran his finger down the side of Pru’s face. We decided earlier to name them Piper and Pru. I was a big fan of the TV show Charmed, and have always loved the name of the two of the four sisters. Sam was tired of arguing with me, so he let me have my way. Or so he said.

He looked up into my eyes and smiled.

“You have given me one of the most special gifts in the world. I love you, baby.”



“Eeeeek!” I squealed when I saw Pru take her first step.

The girls were eleven months old now. They both were on the verge of walking. That is until just a few minutes ago when Pru decided to finally let go of the chair arm and take off. She was tottling all over the room now, not even stopping to grab a hold of anything as she passed it.

I scooped Pru up and gave her sloppy wet kisses on her cheek. She smiled huge at me and took hold of my hair like she usually did. Piper sat on the recliner watching the festivities with a bored look on her face.

I decided we needed to go visit daddy so Pru could show off her new skills.

I stuffed my phone in my pocket that was sitting on the coffee table, moved Pru to one hip, scooped up Piper off the recliner, settled her on the other hip, and walked towards the garage.

I walked around the whole building instead of going in the side door that would cut the walk in half. I wanted Pru to have an obstacle free area to walk, not to have to dodge transmissions, jacks, and oil stains.

When I entered the garage bay I saw Max in the corner working on some POS car, and Elliott in the other corner working on a customer’s bike.

Sam was in the middle, sitting on a stool that was next to a project bike that they whole team was working on. I did a quick scan and noted that there were no oil spots or obstacles, and then set Pru down on her feet.

One thing I forgot to mention is that the girls are daddy’s little girls for sure. They can get him to do absolutely anything. They could also be in god awful demon spawn harpy moods and instantly be little angels when he walks into the room. When he was there, they were with him. No ifs ands or buts. Now was not an exception either.

“Go get daddy!” I whispered to her.

That was all it took.

“Dadadada” she babbled and walked.

Sam turned from what he was doing and beamed. Sam didn’t feel any differently about his girls either. They were perfect. Could do no wrong. Their shit didn’t stink. Blah blah blah. He also didn’t spend the entire day with them. Didn’t get up in the night with them to breast feed them. Didn’t stay up with them when they were being little shits and wouldn’t sleep. Didn’t change very many dirty diapers. So of course he only saw the good in them.

Pru made it to Sam rather fast for a baby who just learned how to walk. She didn’t fall once. He picked her up and spun her around cheering her on the whole way.

Piper however was not happy. She sat on my hip quietly crying her little crocodile tears. Her lip quivering. Oh she was really laying it on thick.

“Uh, Sam?” I said to him.

He looked at me, and then his eyes zeroed in on Piper, and he was at my side in a flash, trading Pru for Piper.

“What’s wrong with daddy’s little girl?” Sam said in a sing song voice to Piper.

I rolled my eyes, and turned to the guys who were now leaning on the tool box drinking a beer. I walked over to them, grabbed Max’s beer out of his hand, and took a swig handing it back to him when I was done.

“Sure. You can have a drink, Cheyenne.” He said exasperated.

“Thanks.” I said to him. “Little Ms. Drama Queen drives me to drink. I don’t even think he noticed me standing there.”

I was laying it on thick too. Sam worshipped us. He may be rough around the edges, but he was perfect for us. It melted my heart to see him interact with the girls.

The past eleven months had flown by. I was a stay at home mom and student. Sam’s business was booming. Everyone I loved was healthy, and I was so very happy.


