Bound By Love Read Online Cora Reilly (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles Series by Cora Reilly

Total pages in book: 136
Estimated words: 128209 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 427(@300wpm)

Aria shivered. “She didn’t do anything horrible. She tried to live her life. Nothing else. It doesn’t give him or anyone the right to treat her like a whore they can have in whatever way they like,” she said firmly.

Sometimes I forgot how good and innocent Aria still was. It turned me on like nothing else. The elevator halted on our floor and I led her into our penthouse, very intent on distracting her from her worry.

“You know how hotheaded Matteo can be. I—”

I lifted her in my arms and pressed my lips against her open mouth, stopping her from saying more. She gasped in surprise then pulled back, frowning. “Luca,” she said indignantly. “I’m being serious.” I carried her up the stairs and into our bedroom.

“I know,” I murmured as I lowered her on our bed. I hovered over her and she shook her head.

“You are being impossible,” she said, her breathing hitching as I ran my hands up her lean legs, then hooked my fingers in her panties and dragged them down.

“I don’t like it if you don’t take me seriously,” she said quietly as I lifted her skirt and parted her legs, laying her perfect pussy bare to me.

She was aroused, but her voice held a hint of strain so I climbed back up and stretched out beside her, kissing her slowly before I said, “I’m taking you seriously, Aria, but you are worrying about something I have no way of changing. I can’t tell Matteo what to do. I’m his Capo, yes, but Gianna is his wife and I can’t interfere. That’s one of the rules I’m bound to, and you know it.”

Her blue eyes filled with realization.

“Stop thinking about it. Your sister can hold her own.” I wasn’t sure that was true. If Matteo really lost his shit on her, that wouldn’t go over well. From what I knew, his tastes didn’t veer toward the rough side of things in the sexual department, but driven by jealousy and fury as he was, things might get out of hand.

I ran my hand down her side and slid it below her shirt, my fingers brushing over her stomach and then I kissed her again, and this time she opened up, her tongue meeting mine. I got her out of her skirt to have full access to her and moved my hand between her legs. My fingers found her clit then dipped lower. Aria was still worried. She wasn’t as ready as usual, but I knew how to change that. I eased one finger into her, her walls clamping tightly around me, and my thumb pressed up against her clit. As I established a slow rhythm, I intensified our kiss, tasting her perfect mouth, and she parted her legs wider for me, a soft moan escaping her throat. Her face flushed with arousal, her eyes half-lidded, and my finger moved more easily out of her slick channel.

I added a second finger and she kissed me even harder, her hips moving in rhythm with my fingers. I pulled back from her eager mouth. “I love fingering you. So hot and tight and wet.” I kissed her. “Do you like my fingers in you? Fingerfucking your perfect pussy?” I thrust my fingers deeper, curling them to reach that spot.

Aria shuddered out a moan. “Yes,” she gasped as I repeated the motion. My dick was so fucking hard watching her. “I want you inside me, Luca.”

My cock twitched, too willing to comply. “Later,” I got out. I sat up so I could watch my fingers slipping in and out between those perfect pink folds. Fuck. I moved my second hand under her shirt, finding her perky nipple and pinching it through her lacy bra. Aria cried out, eyes closing, as her hips arched off the bed. Her walls squeezed me tightly, but I kept fucking her with my fingers as she trembled and moaned. A few golden strands stuck to her sweaty face. So fucking beautiful. And all mine. I was a fucking possessive asshole.

I slowed my fingers as her breathing calmed. She licked her lips then turned those gorgeous blue eyes to me. I smirked and pulled my fingers out of her. She let out a soft moan, lips parted, and I slid my fingers coated with her juices into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around them, her eyes challenging me, and I groaned. My cock gave a fucking twitch. I was going to combust any second.

Aria gripped my wrist and pulled my fingers out from between her lips, smiling coyly. “Out of your pants,” she said.

I chuckled at her commanding tone and pushed off the bed before I turned to her and unbuckled my belt, unzipped my pants and pulled them and my briefs down. My dick sprang free, already leaking pre-cum like I was a fucking randy teenager. That woman turned me on like nothing else. She crawled to the edge of the bed, smiling wickedly. I didn’t waste any time and stepped closer until my shins bumped against the mattress.


