Boys of Brayshaw High Read online Meagan Brandy (Brayshaw High #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: Brayshaw High Series by Meagan Brandy

Total pages in book: 130
Estimated words: 129132 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 646(@200wpm)___ 517(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

With that, I lift to meet his mouth.

He pretends to deny me for a moment, but big man snaps, his need to be in control taking over and in the next second, my hands are removed from his hair and locked beside me.

He pushes into me, rubbing the zipper of his jeans against my thin sweatpants.

My legs fall open wide, hoping more of him will fill the gap.

His mouth moves to my neck where he sucks and nips as he travels down until the fabric of my T-shirt blocks him.

His mouth comes back to mine.

Fucking finally he releases my hands, his need to touch me overtaking his want to keep me still.

His hands push my shirt up slightly, his grip on my ribs almost too much to stand.

I slide my hands over his shoulders, squeezing at his muscles there, before helping guide his mouth over mine.

He bites my lip when I try and turn his head, making me laugh.

Okay, he’s not ready to give me a say.

When his fingertips dig into my back, my legs wrap around his hips, pushing him into me more.

One of his hands curves around me, skimming down my back until he can slip into my bottoms. His fingers spread across my ass cheek and he grips me.

I swallow his groan.

My hands move down to push his shirt up and he lifts for a split second so I can yank it over his head.

When he drops back down a shiver runs through me as his heated skin hits the exposed skin of my stomach and he smirks, his hand moving to slide down the underside of my thigh, adjusting me just the way he wants.

This time, when he grinds into me, my eyes close, my head pushing against the pillow.

“Maddoc,” I pant and he growls, grinding into me, and then the bastard pulls away.

He throws himself beside me and my hands slap against the sheets.

I jerk my head to the side to glare at him, but he’s covering his face with his arm.

“Are you serious right now?” I complain, and he lifts his arm slightly to glare at me before dropping it back down.

I growl and shoot from the bed.

I pull out another joint I pre-rolled and throw myself into the chair.

When the lighter sparks he jerks upright.

“We said no drugs.”

“Yeah, well...” I inhale, turning toward him to blow it out. I glare. “Oops.”

He scoots to the edge of the mattress and I scoff when he shifts to adjust his hard-on in his pants.

I look out the window and after a few minutes of silence my shoulders sag and I drop my head back.

“Raven.” Where before, his demand was imbued with carefulness, this time it’s firm.

Fucking whatever.

I exhale, watching the smoke rise above me before floating out into the night. “How is it, a royal piece of shit like my mother, who hates her daughter, gets to keep me for seventeen years before someone steps in, but someone like Captain, who wants nothing more than to love his child, to hold her every day and show her what she means to him, can’t have his for even a night? How does that happen? How is that acceptable?”

“It’s not.”

I shake my head, unable to forget the way the little girl smiled at her daddy. I blink hard. “The system sucks.”


“Stop.” I close my eyes, a deep crease taking over my forehead before I can stop it. “Don’t say it.”

“What you did today...”

“I said don’t.”

“For us, for Captain. Your need to ease him in a way we can’t.”

I roll my neck to the side, to meet his stare.

While unease lines his eyes, gratefulness shapes his features.

“It’s not a big deal.”

“You’re wrong.” He frowns. “It is a big deal. Real fucking big deal.”

I look away.

“We’re not sure how to handle you.”

I frown at the cherry of my joint. “That’s how I like it, big man.”

“I don’t care what you like. This is our fucking future and you just became a problem.”

“Became a problem. Right.” I give him a blank stare. “I didn’t become anything. I’ve been the problem and you know it. Now I’m just more dangerous to you because in your world blackmail is a way of life. Well in mine, we don’t rat. We don’t share detail. When we learn, hear, or see things we turn the other way.”

“That’s a fool’s way of thinking.”

“That’s a smart man’s way of surviving,” I bite back. “Life isn’t this simple outside your comfort covered issues. You may not have answers to everything, but you have way more than most, Maddoc, and more than the house and the cars and the money, you have Royce and Captain, and they have you. Your side and your back are covered. People like me? We have to sleep with one eye open. I don’t need enemies, so why would I make one out of you three?”


