Broken Hill Havoc Read online Sheridan Anne (Broken Hill High Series #5)

Categories Genre: College, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: The Broken Hill High Series by Sheridan Anne

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 80257 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 401(@200wpm)___ 321(@250wpm)___ 268(@300wpm)

“Welcome to a college party, ladies,” Jackson grins as though he’s just handed us the best night of our lives.

As Brooke hooks her arm around mine, I remember that Nate was planning on coming over tonight so pull my phone out and let him know.

Tora – Gone out with Brooke.

He responds instantly.

Nate – Alright, babe. Be safe.

I tuck my phone back into my pocket and decide I’m going to enjoy tonight. Jackson and Brooke are right, we’re in college and it’s about time I start exploring the other side of college life.

We squeeze our way through the bodies at the door and I instantly start looking around, searching out Lukas. The last thing I want for tonight is to have him coming and sweeping her away. I mean, her heart has already been broken by one player before, it doesn’t need to happen all over again.

I see a bunch of athletic guys dancing out the back and steer Brooke away towards the stack of red cups that take over the kitchen table. We help ourselves to a drink before exploring the house. We find a few girls that we used to go to school with and catch up before throwing back a few more drinks.

We meet new people and party with the old. We’ve probably only been here for an hour before Jackson grabs both our hands and starts leading us over to the dance floor.

We have a drink and then we have another. Those two are then replaced by some more and before we know it, we’re stumbling around the place with Jackson chasing after us, making sure we don’t run off into the arms of some stranger. For once, Jackson is doing something Nate will be happy about, though, he’d probably argue we were only here because of him.

The music drags us outside and we sway our hips with Jackson awkwardly dancing with us, probably not enjoying this party as much as he had hoped. Lil’ Jon and LMFAO’s song ‘Shots’ comes through the speakers and suddenly every single person in the place is out the back dancing and I have to laugh when the main part of the song comes on and everyone starts jumping while shouting at the top of their lungs, “Shots, shots, shots, shots, shots.” It goes on and on and I have to admit, even though Nate isn’t here, I’m having the best night of my life.

Brooke’s loud laughter draws the attention of Lukas and I groan to myself. How could I have forgotten that we weren’t supposed to come out here? She grins like an idiot as she sees him and her smile has my mind growing cloudy. What was I supposed to tell her about him? The thoughts can’t work themselves out and I shrug it off as she disappears with him, but as he looks back over his shoulder and winks my way, it all comes slamming right back.

“Shit,” I grunt, stomping my foot like a child.

“What?” Jackson questions, amused at my outburst.

I shake my head and the movement has me wobbling a bit. Jackson rights me as I search through the bodies for Brooke, wondering if I can get her back out of his man-whore hands. “Nothing,” I tell Jackson. “I just don’t like that guy.”

“What?” He laughs. “He’s not that bad.”

“Really?” I grunt, wanting to punch him in the throat for even suggesting it, though, I guess he doesn’t know what the guy was suggesting in my kitchen while his dick was still wet from being inside my best friend. “You’ve only known him for a few weeks. How do you know he’s not that bad?”

Jackson scrunches up his face as he thinks it over. “I guess, I don’t,” he admits. “But Brooke seems to like him and that’s all that matters.” I know he’s right on some level, but I can’t find the words to fight him on it. “Come on,” he says, taking my hand and hauling me off the dance floor with a suspicious sparkle in his eyes. “I want to cause trouble.”

“Trouble, you say?” I laugh with a ridiculously bad, old English accent.

“Jesus Christ,” Jackson groans. “This is going to be interesting.”

A few hours later, Jackson and I come stumbling out of the bathroom after making the three cheerleaders who have been in there all night think the place is haunted.

We crash into Brooke in the hallway, who’s jumping around like an idiot, busting to go to the toilet while Lukas stands right behind her. Naturally, I go with her and lead her to a different bathroom, far away from Lukas.

Once she’s done, I mumble something about going a different way. Brooke doesn’t question me and before we know it, we’re by the front door, squeezing our way through. People are lingering everywhere and my guess is that it’s well past midnight, but something has my eyes shooting up from the ground.


