Claiming What’s Mine Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 109976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

Now I watched her walk towards me with Marcus by her side and that look on her face like her world was crumbling down around her. “You done here?” She picked her head up and looked at me and right away her face heated with a blush. Like always!

She looked back down at the floor as she pulled the jacket she had thrown carelessly around her shoulders closer around her and nodded. Damn baby, hold it together until we get out of here or I’m gonna break the promise I just made to myself to keep my hands off of you.

“Come!” I held out my hand for hers and had to take it myself when she refused to move, or more like she was still in shock. “How did you get here?” Her hand was still shaking as I headed for the door with Marcus following along behind us.

“The driver’s outside.” Her voice was as shaky as her hand. I took her out through the back and was just in time to see Kevin and his crew pulling into the parking lot. Perfect timing.

There was still a lot of buzz coming from around the front of the precinct where the reporters were hanging out waiting for her to leave so they could pounce.

She didn’t say anything when I walked her over to my waiting car but I didn’t miss the furtive looks she threw my way from beneath her lowered lashes. Furtive and worried. Did she really think that I’d leave her alone on a night like this?

I turned to see Kev jogging over to me after I seated her in the backseat of the Royce. “Her driver’s around front. Find him and tell him to leave. Do it discretely.”

“Anything else?” He was trying to see around me to take peeks at her through the tinted window.

“Not right now. I thought the asshole suits were going to be a problem earlier and didn’t want to get into a tussle that would take me away from her that’s why I called you. Plus I don’t know where this shit is going so I’m gonna need you to stay close.”

“Where are they?” He looked around the lot, which was pretty empty compared to the other side of the building.

“Fuck if I know. I have to get back to her, she looks shook.” He nodded and headed for the front of the building after having a few words with his guys.

I walked around the car and got in on my side and Dave drove out of the lot with no one the wiser. Although I didn’t see the suits hanging around outside I have no doubt the senator was going to get an earful as soon as he landed. Fuck I care!

She sat still as a stone all the way on the other side of the seat, hugging the door when I got in the car. I took the first few minutes to study her in silence and didn’t like what I saw. “How’re you feeling?” She jumped at the sound of my voice before shaking her head while she kept her eyes on her folded hands in her lap.

There were no tears, no tracks on her face. I wasn’t sure if that was because of the shock or not. I admit that I didn’t want her to cry for him. I didn’t even want her to give him another moment’s thought. Possessive fuck that I am.

I let her keep her silence and went back to studying her in the dark confines of the car as we drove carefully through the late New York night back to my penthouse across from the park.

She looked gaunt, haunted, her cheeks sunken in. And still she was the most beautiful woman in the world to me. My hands actually itched to touch her, to pull her onto my lap and comfort her.

But Dave, that nosy fuck, would have my business all over the place by the time I step foot outside of the car. He was already having a hard enough time keeping his mouth shut while giving me looks in the rearview mirror.

“Where are you taking me?” She’d finally looked out the window and noticed that we were going in the opposite direction from her home.

“To my home.”

“What? I don’t understand.” She was still refusing to look at me, her eyes once again looking down at her clasped hands and I held my tongue until she finally lifted her head in my direction.

“Yes you do.”

I gave her a meaningful look that more or less said not to play with me and watched her squirm around in the seat. While I’d been watching her earlier, in between chasing off asshole lawyers, I’d made up my mind not to beat around the bush, not to play games.


It’s hard to know how to handle a situation like ours. Having to think for someone else, to know what’s best for her and doing it even if it’s not what I want. I’m not built that way and never gave too much thought to anyone else before. But of course as with everything else, she’s the first.


