Claiming What’s Mine Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 109976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

My mind couldn’t turn off and probably wouldn’t, not until I hold her in my arms again. Until I can put eyes on her, feel her, and know that she was safe. That reminds me. I called Kev again and he answered right away.

“Don’t let her know that you’re talking to me. Is your team still there?”

“No, they headed out ten minutes ago.”

“Damn, I wanted them to go through his shit as well. See if he left anything behind that could give me some insight into what the fuck he was doing to her.”

“Don’t worry, that was all covered. They took everything of interest that was in that room and his. Should they bring them to you first or…”

I took my time answering. This was dangerous territory. On the one hand I want to protect her even from the shit she’s hiding from me. But I need her to trust me enough to share on her own. My gut says just go over her head, but not knowing what kind of life she’d lead with the asshole I didn’t want to make any slipups.

“Have them transported to the house.”

“You got it.” He hung up and I breathed a little bit easier knowing that she was out of danger. Now that Dave had lost the assholes his driving had gone back to normal and I had time to think, to plan.

A few days at my country home should help her relax as well, hopefully enough to make her open up. There was more going on here than meets the eye. Before I was only focused on her ex. With him out of the picture I’d erroneously believed she was finally free. Free to be mine.

Now it seems that there’s another snake in my fucking garden. I hate snakes, there’s only one way to deal with the fucks. Cut their fucking heads off and leave them to rot. I found my first real smile of the day.

I’ve long been tempted to take him down, knowing some of what he is. But since he never fucked with me I’d left well enough alone. But now that he’d crossed the line it was open season on his degenerate ass. The only question left is whether to end him or destroy everything he’d built right before his eyes.

“We’re here!” I opened my eyes to see the ferry up ahead and because of the time of day it wasn’t crowded so I was able to see Kevin helping her from the backseat of the car up ahead.

I breathed easy when I looked back and saw no sign of anyone following behind us. Hopefully the senator had sent them back to the city and I can have a few days to get the story before deciding what needed to be done about his ass.


“Where are we?” Instead of an answer Kevin pointed behind me and I saw Gavin getting out of the car. Until that moment, until I saw him I didn’t let on how scared I was. But seeing him as he walked towards me released the hold I’d had on myself the whole way here.

I stumbled my way towards him on wobbly knees and all the tears I’d been holding at bay came pouring out as soon as his arms wrapped around me. “It’s okay, you’re safe, shh.” He repeated the same mantra over and over again as he held me close and it was only then that I admitted to myself that I was glad I hadn’t gotten away.

Just the feel of his arms was enough to make me feel safe, something I never felt with Vance. He was never able to protect me, I was never able to believe that he could, or trust that he would. “Come sit down.” He led me over to one of the many empty benches and we sat staring out at the water in silence for the first five minutes.

The fact that he wasn’t saying anything spoke volumes. I knew he had questions, but I have no idea where to start. His men, Kevin, Dave and the other one whose name I had yet to learn stood over near the rail out of hearing distance but close enough to see us.

I was surprised that he wasn’t pushing for answers, but instead sat with his arm around me comfortingly. But then his silence started to bother me. Why isn’t he saying anything? The situation was far from normal and I’m sure Kevin had already given him an earful. I became even more nervous now.

I turned to him, ready to tell him some version of the truth, but he just kissed my temple and pulled my head back down to his shoulder. “We’ll talk later, and Giselle, I want the truth. You have an hour to decide.” Oh boy! How did he know that I was planning to keep things from him?


