Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

“We go back to the beginning, connect the dots.” Lo opened a drawer and pulled a file. Organized fucker that he is you can trust him to have every move written down in there. “Here it is, general Starks made the call about Khalil’s resurfacing. This was a few weeks after we settled in here. A few weeks after that, we were told to stand down until farther notice.”

“Yeah and in the midst of that we learned that the commander may have been murdered, stumbled onto a trafficking ring and have assholes trying to kill us and our women.” It was beginning to look more and more like the place had a direct link to whatever was going on, but how do we connect a small town in Georgia to the middle east and one of the most dangerous men in history?

We threw around some ideas but it was obvious we were still missing way too much of the puzzle and just going around in circles. I tried an old technique that came in handy in the field. I disassociated myself from everything and built the blocks, each in their own place, like with like. Pretty soon a picture was beginning to form in my head and I felt that rush of excitement in the blood. The one that tells me when I’m on the right track!

“It’s not the place, it’s the commander.” How the fuck had that one slip by us? It was glaring us right in the face. “Remember what Lyon said, he asked us if we had all worked for the commander at some point in our career, meaning us Law, and Creed. We know how Lyon got involved, through the Porters. Stockton told Lyon and Ty that the thing with his kid was a favor to the Porters, payback. We know the Porters are in bed with Khalil and how, through the uncle who’s a senator. But we never figured out why here. I mean let’s face it, there are a million better places to run that shit. Who was here before we came?”

“We already thought about that Cord and still couldn’t come up with anything remember? We know Law and Creed worked with the old man over the years, but we don’t know on what.”

“But, Lo what if it was all to do with the Fox? What do you wanna bet that this begins and ends with him?”

“Get those boys on the phone. All our Ops were confidential, but maybe they won’t mind sharing. We’re all playing on the same team now aren’t we?”




“Law, is this phone secure?”

“Unless my nosy ass wife is on the other line. Dana Sue, hang up the damn phone.” We heard a huff and a click on the other end. “You boys having this kinda trouble? Ever since we got back from Lyon’s my place is like fucking Quantico, fucking females are getting into everything.”

“We’re trying to contain ours brother, but we have something more delicate to discuss so be sure your shit is titanium.” There was a series of clicks, a long beeping noise and then clean crisp tone. “We’re good, what you got?”

“We need to know what you and Creed did under the old man’s command. We wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t pertinent to what we’re dealing with here. We kinda have our suspicions but we need verification before we can go forward.”

“Hoo, I guess it’s all good. I’d rather give my loyalty to you guys than those lying fucks in Washington anyway. It was Khalil. He was moving shit through the Congo and we had to head him off. Never did have eyes on the slippery fuck, but we confiscated the merchandise and pulled out. That enough to get you what you need?”

“Yeah brother, and Creed was on that ride with you too wasn’t he?”

“Yes he was, our boys joined forces on that one and a few others, but that was one of the ones we did for your commander. What’re you thinking?”

“We’re thinking whatever this is that’s going on in our backyard has more to do with the commander than the location.”

“What like some kind of beef between the two of them?”

“Something like that.”

“Then I guess you know they go way back, that fucker’s been on the radar going back years, started as a young boy with his old man.”

“He couldn’t have been more than twelve or so back then.”

“Well brother, there’s twelve and there’s twelve.”

“We’ll catch you soon brother got some shit to take care of. You guys found anything yet on your end?”

“Nah, we’re hitting brick walls on every turn. But we already figured someone higher up was pulling the strings.”

“Yeah well hopefully we can get you some answers soon, bye for now.” Lo hung up and turned back to the room.

“Okay, now we have confirmation on that, we know where to look. Law mentioned something about Khalil’s father. Looks like we’re gonna have to go even farther back than we thought. I say we clear our minds of what we know or think we know so far, and go after this thing with new eyes.”

“Yeah, I need a break first.”

“How long this time Dev?” Quinn grinned at me like the jackass he is.

Devon looked at his watch. “Four hours.” He and Quinn have a new game, timing how long I go before needing a Susie fix.

“Fuck off both of you. Nothing to say Tyler?”

“Who me? What could I possibly have to say about your bitch made ass? Pitiful.”

“That would sting if you weren’t such a pussy whipped asshole yourself.”

“I thought we agreed to clean up our language on account of all the kids that are gonna be running around here soon.”

“Please Con, if you hadn’t started this shit we wouldn’t be in this predicament. I think Dani put something in the food she fed us when she first moved in. Has anyone else noticed that except for Nessa who we knew before we moved here, all these women were her friends or knew her in some way?”


