Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

I shifted my cock around and slammed into her womb as my cock hosed down her insides with a fuckload of jizz. That set her off again and she begged me to let her cum ten seconds before her body tensed up and she tried to tear off my dick as she had a massive orgasm.

Her little body rested back against my chest as she went weak but I held her up. I kissed her neck and the side of her face while rubbing her tummy where my cock was still distending her.

There was no leakage when my fat cockhead plopped out of her, my rod still hard as fuck. I ran my hand through her pussy slit and used her juices and mine to wet her ass.

My cock was covered with both our juices so I used that to ease the first inch or so into her ass. “Easy, easy…” Her little hand came back to grab my wrist so I had to change shit up. Turning her around, I sucked her tongue into my mouth before guiding her down to her knees. She didn’t need any instruction but I could see her questioning how she was going to fit my monster in her mouth.

She licked the slit tasting my pre-cum before running her tongue up the shaft and back again. She did this over and over again, cleaning both our juices off with her mouth. “Suck my cock baby, stop playing around.”

The little tease had a glint in her eye when she looked up at me and opened her mouth to take me. She gagged and pulled off a time or two before she got the hang of it.

“Stop.” I grabbed her hair and held her head still once I hit the back of her throat with a good seven inches still left. “You’ll hurt yourself if you try to take all of me.” I will teach her later how to do that, but for now this was good enough.

I took over and face fucked her as she knelt before me, enjoying the sloppy sounds of my per-cum and her spit as they sloshed around in her cheeks. Her little hand came up and fondled my balls, which overflowed her palm and my cock took notice. It wasn’t long before I felt that tingling down my spine and my toes started to curl. “Fuck!” I pulled out of her neck and fucked her tongue. She was startled when the first volley hit and her eyes widened on mine as I spilled in her mouth. “Swallow it.” I watched her throat work as she did as I ordered.

Pulling her up with my hand in her hair, I drove my tongue into her mouth before turning her to face the wall again. Reaching into the little alcove in the shower wall I got the Astro glide and oiled up my dick and her ass.

“This is gonna hurt baby, I‘ll try to go slow.” Her ass was tight as fuck as I squeezed the head of my cock into her. “Relax.” I pressed down on her clit with my thumb and invaded her pussy with two of my fingers as I eased another inch into her ass.

As she concentrated more on the fingers in her gash, her ass opened up more until I had a good eight inches inside. Pulling her head back I tasted her tongue as I sawed in and out of her ass. Her pussy clenched around my fingers and I fed her more of my cock, taking my time so I didn’t tear her.

“How does it feel?”

“So full, is it all in me?”

“Not yet.” I fisted her hair and bent my knees a little so I could drive up inside her, never letting up on her pussy. “Owwwwwww…” She screamed and tried climbing off my cock but I held her in place as I watched the last few inches disappear inside her. “Oh fuck!” I didn’t think she’d be able to take me this deep inside her ass, but was glad of it.

I smacked her pussy to get her mind off the pain in her ass and she fucked my hand. This was the part of me that I always despaired of ever finding anyone to endure, the part of me that needed pain with the pleasure. The side that most would find sick I guess. My heart swelled in my chest at the realization that I had met my other half, my one true mate; the only woman in existence that was made for me.

“I need to cum please Cord, let me cum.” See what I mean?

“No you wait.” She tried holding herself stiff but I wasn’t having that, so I sunk my teeth into her neck, finger fucked her hard and drove my cock back and forth in her ass.

She slapped her hand against the wall and begged me over and over to let her cum, but I held her off until I knew she couldn’t take anymore. Then and only then did I give her permission to let go. “Cum.” As I said it, I eased my cock out of her ass and slipped the head into her pussy that was left open by my fingers and shot off inside her for the third time that morning.

She was a mess when I helped her out of the shower and dried her off before dressing her in soft sweats and one of my tees that she likes to wear.

I spent some quality time with her to make up for the last day and a half. That shit was as much for me as it was for her. “Hands off babe, I just wanna sit here and hold you.” We were on the couch like two normal people, or at least I was trying to be, but this one had wandering hands.

“But I wanna play with him, he’s so cute.” She petted my dick and grinned while I frowned at her. “Cute?” I looked down at the beast. “I think we still got work to do boy, she just dissed us.”


