Craving Her (Savage Brothers Second Generation #8) Read Online Jordan Marie

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Biker, Erotic, MC Tags Authors: Series: Savage Brothers Second Generation Series by Jordan Marie

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 83236 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 416(@200wpm)___ 333(@250wpm)___ 277(@300wpm)

“Oh, shut up, Chad. Seriously. You try to sue him, and I’ll let my dad know how you called me a bitch and threw me down on the ground. What do you want to bet you won’t be able to do jack-shit after that?”

“Fuck you,” he growls back, clearly knowing he’s lost. As for me, I find myself laughing because things seem to be working out for me. Not only did she seem to not feel sorry for the idiot, but she’s also spitting fire. I cross my arms at my chest and wait—deciding to enjoy the show. “There’s no pussy worth this shit. I’m tired of you acting like a pure as snow virgin when everyone knows you fucked Lucas Klein all last year. You don’t think he loved rubbing it in my face all the nasty shit you let him do? Especially when you wouldn’t open your damn legs for me!”

“I told you I never slept with Lucas! You told me you believed me!”

“I lied, you bitch. Everyone knows exactly what you are! Didn’t you think Lucas would tell everyone what you did with him and his brother?” the guy accuses, finally standing up, while holding his wrist like the little bitch he is.

“What I did with—” she sputters, stopping as she just looks at him in shock.

I get ready to step in when my girl surprises the shit out of me by drawing her fist back and quickly punching him in the gut. He immediately bends over, wrapping his arm around his waist. I start to interject myself again because I’m afraid he’ll go after her and hurt her. She packed a hell of a wallop, and did it smartly, too. He was too tall for her to strike elsewhere with as much power as she managed to his gut. Still, I can’t risk her getting hurt. Before I can step in, however, she grabs him by the hair of his head, pulling him down even more and pulls her other arm back and quickly brings her knee up at the same time, slamming it into his nose like a seasoned veteran. This girl has been trained hard—and good. Hell, I’m not sure I could have pulled that off as smoothly. I’m impressed as hell.

Chad goes back to the ground this time, and my shock continues when it appears the asshole is knocked out. How in the fuck? She’s not finished, though. She takes off and kicks him in the balls for good measure.

“I think you’ve got him, Peaches.”

“Not good enough. If I was a man, I’d whip it out and piss on the son of a bitch!” she gripes.

“Whip it out?” I laugh.

“Exactly. You don’t realize how great men have it. You can just yank it out and have at it.”

Again, I’m laughing. If my brothers could see me now, they’d wonder what in the hell was going on. Shit, I am wondering that myself. “Well, Peaches, I have to say right now, even if you aren’t happy about it, I’m damned glad you don’t have a dick you can whip out.”

Her mouth falls open as she looks at me. Her body goes still and then all at once, she starts giggling. “Oh, my God!” She laughs so hard that she practically collapses into me, and I open my arms and wrap them around her, letting her happiness soak inside of me. It’s something I’m not sure I’ve felt before and I don’t know how to explain it. I’m not sure I care. I just want to keep experiencing it. Without realizing it, I reach out and tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. Slowly, her laughter stops, and those beautiful brown eyes stare up at me in surprise. Something passes between us. It unsettles me, and I can see the same reflection on her face.

“What’s your name?” she asks.

Since I’ve been here in London, Kentucky, I’ve only been called Prospect. Well, lately, some of the guys have begun calling me Joker. For some reason, I don’t want to give her that name. “Torin.”

“Torin,” she repeats, and sweet fucking heaven, nothing has ever sounded better than my name slipping from between her lips.

I don’t question my reaction. I question nothing. She might be young, but she’s legal and this feeling between us is something we both are responding to. I’m not going to fight it. I let out a growl as I capture her mouth. She tenses up for a minute, keeping her mouth closed. I pull back just a bit and look into her eyes. “Open that hot little mouth of yours for me, Peaches,” I order, my voice so full of hunger that I barely recognize it myself.

Her cute little tongue comes out to lick her lips. Her big doe-like eyes shine as she stares at me. I can easily read the desire written on her face. She wants this. She wants me. I can see nerves there, too. That’s new to me. The women that I’ve been with are experienced. It’s clear that this woman is somewhat of a novice and maybe that shouldn’t excite me, but it does. It fuels the desire firing inside of me.


