Cruel Devotion – Ambw Mafia Romance Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 108768 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 544(@200wpm)___ 435(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)

I sucked my teeth. “You know damn well he wants a wedding ring, and news flash to you, we are not getting married—”

“That’s fine, but seven days won’t be enough. So we will need to figure something out.”

I blinked.

“Do you understand?”

“O-kay, but—”

“I want more time with you.” He slipped his gaze down my body. “I’m feeling things for you. . .and in a way I’m not used to feeling for a woman. . .and I want to explore that. I want to see if it’s more than just sex. In fact. . .I’m scared that these feelings are. . .much more than sex.”

“Umm. . .” I cleared my throat. “O-kay, so. . .that doesn’t mean you beat people up and just—”

“I may have lost my temper—”

“You did. You’re covered in blood—”

“Again, these are feelings that I’m not used to having for anyone else besides Chanel.” He looked away for a few seconds and then turned back to me. “Perhaps, there will be times when I do irrational things because of how I am feeling for you.”

“That is not an excuse. My cousin wants to have my back and I’m going to stand by that.”

“You’re wearing blue.” He raised his eyebrows. “Do you understand?”

“Is that how you are going to explore your feelings with me? By telling me what to wear and what to do?”

Someone coughed outside of the tent and then loudly cleared his throat.

Lei frowned. “Come in.”

The entrance’s flap slid up and Chen stepped inside.


I frowned at him.

Chen tapped his watch. “We really should get you two dressed and ready for the feast. The food can’t get cold and most importantly, we cannot have Yan waiting. The more time she has to think up here on this mountain, the more chaos could occur.”

Lei nodded. “I’m coming.”

“Good.” Chen gazed at me. “Sorry, Monique. This was the only plan that could work.”

I rolled my eyes.

Lei gestured to the four women who had been still standing silent to the side. “She doesn’t leave this tent unless she is wearing blue.”

The scarred women gave a half bow. “Yes, Mountain Master.”

Lei turned back to me, and his eyes locked onto mine. “You heard that. You wear blue.”

“I’m not a possession.”

“I never said you were. But you are mine now.”

“I’m not a thing.”

“You’re not a thing.” He nodded. “But you are still mine and I won’t let anyone else have you.”

Shivering, I stared at Lei, not sure how to really get through to him. “Have these women leave. Now.”

He blinked.

I cleared my throat. “Please. I can dress myself.”

Lei pointed to the gown. “In blue.”

“Yes, Lei. In blue. I got it.”

Chen clapped his hands.

The women hurried away.

Then, Chen followed.

“We’ll talk about this more after the feast.” Lei headed off. “But for now, you wear blue.”

Jesus Christ! You all are going to have me traumatized over colors!

I let out a sigh, knowing that protesting would be pointless.

What the fuck did I get myself into?

Chapter ten

Worked Up


Dressed and ready to put an end to this obligatory festival for my sister, I positioned myself outside the tent and waited for Monique to come out.

What new problem will my sister bring this evening?

Yan had a talent for having something up her sleeve and ruining everything. The trick was to anticipate her moves before she had a chance to make them.

I don’t need this shit tonight.

Distant drums boomed with urgency. The ground vibrated with their rhythm.

I let out a long breath.

Up above, thousands of stars shimmered and twinkled.

While below, lanterns hung from bamboo poles around the camp, swaying and casting sinister shadows on my people as they journeyed up the mountain path.

Decorated in the traditional robe of a royal guard, Chen stood on my right with his gaze fixed on the tent’s entrance. Every few seconds, he checked his watch as if time held him captive.

On my left, Duck wore a similar robe. The luxurious fabric glowed midnight blue and reached down to his ankles. It was cinched at his waist with a wide belt of embossed leather. Meanwhile, the robe’s long sleeves were slightly flared.

And a few paces away and lost in his thoughts, Hu had that same robe on with a special blue hat, signaling the status of my Straw Handle. There, Hu absentmindedly played with his ornamental sword hanging on his side. It was sharp enough to reflect menace yet dull enough to prevent actual harm.

Everything tonight would be a flamboyant facade out of my father’s Four Aces playbook, right down to the glinting diamond-platinum sword resting on my hip which was also just for show.

Once he is dead, I will have to change a lot of this stuff. It is outdated and fucking annoying.

Tonight even I had on an ensemble that blended the past with the present. In fact, I looked like some 21st century emperor.

From the hem to the collar, gold dragons snaked around my deep blue silk robe. Yet, it was tailored in a modern, sleek style. I wore a designer shirt and pants under it.


