Daddy for Davina – Silver Spoon After Dark Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Insta-Love, Kink, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 38
Estimated words: 34295 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 171(@200wpm)___ 137(@250wpm)___ 114(@300wpm)

"You should definitely be here, Davina." He loops his arm through mine, tipping his head down so I can hear him. "You can do this, girl. You're a strong, independent woman, and you can explore whatever the fuck you want to explore here. No judgment. Everyone here has their own kinks. They aren't going to judge you for yours."

He makes it sound so compelling.

"N-no judgment?" I question…just to make sure.

"None at all."

"Ten minutes. I'll stay for ten min—"

"Remove your fucking hands from her if you want to keep them."

I glance up, not sure who the angry man is growling at, only to find him looming over me and Corey like a bristling wall of fury. My eyes connect with his, and I get a little lost.


I always heard that perfection existed, but I never really believed it until right this moment. But this man is perfection.

He's a solid wall of muscle, standing tall and formidable. The fabric of his suit doesn't disguise the ripple of each hard line of his body. He's Atlas, more than capable of bearing the world on his broad shoulders.

His hair is a dark storm cloud, peppered with flecks of silver and white that give him an air of authority. And his eyes—Lord, those eyes are the deepest shade of whiskey, warm but undeniably potent. They're penetrating, stripping me bare. But there's a gentleness in them, too, a promise of comfort and protection.

His lips are set in a hard line. And yet I can't help but imagine how his lips would feel on mine— warm, claiming, soft, yet completely dominating.

He's angry for reasons I don't understand, but I'm not afraid. His anger incites an inexplicable sense of safety as I gape at him, unable to tear my gaze away. His is so stern and unyielding, those whiskey eyes boring into me as if he's trying to see into my soul.

I swallow hard, my heart a wild drumbeat against my ribcage. He's absolutely captivating—the embodiment of every fantasy I didn't even know I had.

My entire body flushes under his stern gaze. The strength of my attraction to him is shocking. I'd never met someone who affected me this way.

I bite my lip, trying to fight a whimper.

The instinctive move cracks his hard shell. His expression softens, his gaze turning downright smoldering.

Corey shifts beside me, and the stranger whips his head in his direction like a predator scenting prey. "Remove your fucking hands from her now," he snaps, powerful command in his voice.

Corey doesn't have to be told again. He releases me as if I burned him, dropping his gaze to the floor. He seems to shrink slightly, his head bowed. He's almost…docile.

"Who are you?" I whisper to the stranger before I can stop myself. He must be important if Corey is reacting this way.

"Micah Borden," he growls, his eyes still locked on Corey. "Is she yours?"

Micah Borden—I know that name. He's one of the richest men in Silver Spoon Falls and our law firm's new client. Come Monday, my boss will be renegotiating all the contracts for his financial firm. We'll be on retainer for anything else he needs.

I want to cry at the news. For the first time, I've found a man I'm interested in, and I can't do anything about it.

This sucks.

"No. We're just friends. She's not taken."

"What's your name?"

"Corey Fulton."

"Do you know who I am, Corey?"


Micah jerks his chin in a nod. "I'd like to speak to her privately. She'll be safe with me. I won't allow anything to happen to her."

Corey's gaze darts to me as if to ask if this is what I want, but I'm frozen like a deer in the headlights. The man of my dreams wants to speak to me privately. And I just found out that he's our new client.

"If that's what she wants…" Corey says, his voice full of uncertainty.


"Please, baby girl," Micah whispers, his voice like the rumble of thunder in the distance. "I promise I'll take care of you."

Baby girl. He called me baby girl.

"Okay," I whisper, helpless to do anything but agree when those whiskey eyes are locked on mine, and that name still lingers in the air between us.

Lord help me. I think this man might be Kryptonite.

Chapter Three


My heart is a wild thing in my chest as I lead Davina out of the bar and down the hallway, looking for a bit of privacy. I have no intentions beyond spending ten minutes alone with her to learn everything there is to know about her, but I want her all to myself while I do it.

Fuck sharing. This sweet little thing is all mine.

Her sweet vanilla scent swirls around me, clouding my head. My cock is hard and heavy, pressing insistently against the fly of my pants.

Fuck. I can't think straight.

"This way," I growl, wrapping my hand around her elbow to guide her into the first empty room we come across. I'm breaking the rules by putting my hands on her, but I can't fucking resist.


