Daddy’s Soul – Crime Boss Daddies Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Crime, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 153
Estimated words: 155903 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 780(@200wpm)___ 624(@250wpm)___ 520(@300wpm)

Reuben closed his eyes. He knew what it took for Kent to offer that, considering their relationship.

“I’ll call him, but I should be good.” Alejandro would provide any protection he needed.

Brick nodded. “Let us know if you find out what’s going on.”

“I will. Hopefully we’ll find the woman who pushed Faith and she’ll give us the answers we’re looking for.”

He’d make sure of that.

“I’ll let Juliet talk to you. But if you need us, we’ll be there. You’re family.”

Reuben sighed and nodded. Then Juliet appeared. Her face was pale and worried.

“Big Bad Wolf?” she whispered.

“Mini,” he said gently. “Hey, what’s the matter?”

“I’m worried about Faith. And you. I want you both to come here. Where I can make sure you’re safe.”

To his surprise, he smiled. It was something he would have said. Actually, he had said it before.

“I want to see you, Mini,” he told her. “I miss you.”

“I miss you too. I don’t like this. Any of it.” Her eyes filled with tears. Then the camera ducked and when she righted it, he could see that she was sitting on Brick’s lap.


“Listen to me, Mini. Nothing is going to happen to Faith or you, understand? I . . . we are going to protect you.”

“And you? Who is going to protect you?”

“The two of you are what’s important.” He frowned. “And Gwen. We need someone watching Gwen.”

“I’ve talked to Dominic,” Brick said. “I told him about what happened with Juliet and Faith. I wanted to give him a head’s up. Security is tight on the Ranch, so I don’t think anyone will be able to get to her.”

His breathing eased. Gwen had called him, but he hadn’t called her back yet.

It was hard to focus on anything but Faith.

“Who’s looking after you, Big Bad?” Juliet asked worriedly.

He smiled at her. “Mini, you know I can take care of myself.”

“I really think I should come to you. You need me.”

“What I really need is for you to be safe,” he told her firmly. “Can you do what Brick says? And stay safe?”

“Yes, I will. I love you, big brother.”

“I love you too.”

After he finished that call, he sent a message to Gwen, letting her know how everything was.

Then he called Kent.

“Reuben,” he said stiffly. “You’re still alive?”

“Much to your disappointment, I’m sure.”

“Surprisingly, it’s not as much of a disappointment as I thought it would be. Must be going soft in my old age.”

“Brick said you offered to send some men here,” Reuben said.

“For your girl. Not for you.”

That’s what he’d expected. “Kent, I didn’t sleep with her.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

“She came on to me. I know you don’t have to believe me, but . . . I think she slipped something into my drink. Because I would never have gone upstairs with her otherwise.”

“You were drugged?” Kent asked.

“Yeah. I knew Zinna wanted me, however I turned her away every time. She was your girl. But yeah, she was trying to get my clothes off when you walked into that bedroom at the party.”

Kent breathed in and out heavily. “You never told me.”

“I tried. But a few weeks later, you’d left for training and I couldn’t get you to listen. And then too much time passed. I didn’t think you wanted to know. And I was angry at you. For believing I could betray you like that. Now . . . now I’m learning that perhaps life is too short to hold grudges.”

“Are you dying? What the fuck?”

Reuben snorted. “Not dying. Just some personal growth. It’s not fun and I don’t recommend it.”

Kent let out a small laugh. “Never thought I would see it. Do you need my men?”

He wasn’t surprised by the change of topic. There was too much water under the bridge for the two of them to ever be friends again. But perhaps Kent would no longer hate him.

“Thanks, but no. Just keep Juliet and Gwen safe for me until I work out what’s going on.”

Kent grunted. “Right.”

“I have to go back to Faith.” She was stirring.

“Reuben?” Kent said.


“You’re a dick. But if you ever need JSI, we’re here for you.”

Reuben ended the call and went back to his girl.


“Daddy, I can walk,” Faith protested as he lifted her out of bed and carried her to the bathroom.

She’d been home a couple of days now. Once she’d left the hospital, she’d learned just how much her body hurt.

Spoiler: It was a lot.

It was hard for her to move around. To get comfortable. To do anything. Thankfully, she’d slept a lot.

But today, she’d woken up feeling different.

She was far more alert. And she was starting to see what effect caring for her was having on Reuben.

How had she not noticed how tired he was? Sure, he didn’t need a lot of sleep, but it didn’t look like he was getting any at all.


