Daemonium – Devil’s Playground Four Read Online Natalie Bennett

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, New Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 66334 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 265(@250wpm)___ 221(@300wpm)

His lips continued their journey, and I moaned softly, feeling the heat of his touch seeping into my body. My breath hitched as he bit gently at the sensitive spot on my neck, eliciting a gasp from me.

He let out a low, breathy laugh against my skin, then returned to kissing me feverishly.

My body was exhausted, and my legs felt numb, but when he guided me, I lowered myself down and got lost in him all over again.


I was jolted awake while it was still dark outside, Ky's voice soft but insistent in my ear. "Sunshine, it's time to go."

I groaned, burying my face deeper into the pillow. Every muscle in my body ached, and I felt like I could sleep for another century. "It's still dark," I mumbled as if that mattered here. "And I really could use a cappuccino that won't possibly make me bleed out of my eyes."

I heard Ky chuckle softly, and when I finally forced myself to open one eye, he was standing there, fully dressed with his mask back resting atop his head, and looking like he'd just walked off a runway.

It was almost unfair how he could be so effortlessly perfect.

"You’re impossible," I grumbled, pulling the covers off and sitting up slowly. My lower half protested the movement, reminding me of the night before. "Why can’t there be any decent coffee in this godforsaken city? All I get is water."

Ky leaned against the wall, watching me with evident amusement. "I’d say it’s a small price to pay for survival, don’t you think?"

I grunted a reply, still half-asleep as I reached for the clothes Kinks had left for me. They were loose-fitting, thankfully, because there was no way I could handle anything tight right now. As I slipped the top over my head, a thought struck me, and I paused, remembering the antidote Ky had his sister give me.

"How long will that antidote, or whatever you want to call it, last?" I asked, glancing at him as I pulled the hem of the shirt down.

He raised an eyebrow, clearly pleased that I was thinking ahead. "A few more hours, maybe less. It's not a permanent solution. It’ll keep you safe until we can get you the real thing."

"Great," I muttered, already dreading the inevitable crash that turned me into a homicidal harlot. "So we’re just going to keep playing this game of Russian roulette with my sanity?"

Ky stepped closer; his gaze serious. "I’ll make sure you’re okay, Sunshine. You know that."

I sighed, letting him pull me into a quick embrace. "Yeah, I know," I whispered, feeling a little more awake. I sat back down on the edge of the bed, bending down to pull on my shoes, each movement a reminder of the ache that still lingered in my muscles.

As I tightened the laces, another thought crossed my mind, and I couldn't help but voice it. "How come Sainte wasn't on your side of things?"

Ky went silent, and when I looked up, his expression was unreadable. "Why are you asking me about another man, Sunshine?"

I paused, giving him a look that said everything. "He's dead, Ky. I cut off his head."

“I have a video.” A grin spread across his face, that dark, mischievous smile that always made my heart skip a beat. "How do you think I got off before I had you back in bed?"

I rolled my eyes at him, but the corner of my lips twitched upward. "You’re impossible," I muttered, standing up and smoothing down the front of my shirt. He stepped closer, his hands finding their way to my waist, pulling me against him.

"I know you love it," he murmured, his voice low and full of that same dark promise.

I sighed, half in exasperation, half in surrender. "Sometimes I do," I admitted, leaning into him. It was just for a moment, soaking in his warmth before we had to face whatever was waiting for us on the other side of the door. Even if I couldn’t have my cappuccino, at least I had Ky. And that was something.

He took my hand, and we left the room, his presence grounding me as we walked out. I glanced back at the bed, but no sentimental feelings were lingering. It was just a place—four walls and a mattress. It was Ky that held my attachment, not the location where everything had changed.

As we moved down the hallway, low voices reached us. We returned to the main living area, where Lana, Mel, and Hayven were already waiting, all dressed in clothes identical to mine. The outfits were like a uniform of sorts—black joggers paired with matching hoodies, and crisp white sneakers that contrasted with the dark fabric. They were comfortable, practical, and, most importantly, they allowed us to move freely. The kind of clothing that could easily blend into the shadows, just as we needed to do. The sight of them brought a sense of unity, a silent acknowledgment that we were in this together.


