Dark Instincts Read Online Suzanne Wright (Phoenix Pack #4)

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 116
Estimated words: 109705 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 549(@200wpm)___ 439(@250wpm)___ 366(@300wpm)

Roni had just shoved the whining jackal aside when Lyle’s hand locked around her wrist, squeezing painfully as he dragged her close. Instead of trying to pull free, she clawed his face, catching his eyeball. With a roar of pain, he backpedalled and reflexively retracted his hands to bring them up to shield his face. But he kept his cruel gaze locked on her. And Roni saw something in those eyes that hadn’t been there before. It was in his scent too. Behind the coppery tang of blood, the sour stench of sweat, and the burning whiff of anger was the metallic scent of fear. It satisfied her wolf.

With his eye red and watery, he again advanced on her. They went at each other, both merciless and thirsty for vengeance. Punching. Kicking. Slapping. Clawing. She was fast losing her breath, but she didn’t let up. Even though her chest heaved, sweat dotted her forehead, and blood was trickling from several wounds on her body, she kept on going. Lyle was in no better shape than she was, which only served to further incite the crowd.

At that moment, she sensed Marcus, knew he was close. Knew he was desperate to get to her, fighting and killing his way through the hyenas and jackals who were surrounding the lodge. But she didn’t want him anywhere near Lyle Browne or his pack of sick fucks.

Cupping her hands, she slapped them hard over Lyle’s ears. He roared and staggered as his eardrum shattered. She moved to attack him again, but an arm came around her from behind. Motherfucker. Using her claws, she sliced the arm from wrist to elbow. It released her. She twisted her hips and delivered a side kick to the bastard’s kidneys.

That was when she heard a bellow of rage coming from Lyle. She turned, but she turned too late. His punch caught her ribs, and there was a sickening snap. Ripples of sheer agony rushed through her. Son of a bitch. Her hand flew to her body as she sucked in deep mounds of air, trying to catch her breath. The heel of his boot slammed into her shin, and she stumbled, almost losing her footing on the slippery, blood-covered tiles. He took advantage, charging at her. The impact sent her sprawling onto her back.

The bastard straddled her and wrapped his hands around her neck. Instantly, she tucked her chin down to prevent her windpipe from being obstructed. Ignoring the reflex to try to pry his hands from her throat, she punched him in the dick. He made a choking sound as his hand cupped his groin and he curled over her.

Determined to get free, she pulled at his hair, bit into his throat, clawed at his face. Her wolf’s panic drove her on, insisted she didn’t give up. Sensing that Lyle’s friends were about to surround her, Roni stabbed her claws into his inner thigh, targeting the major artery. He roared in pain, and she rolled them, coming to straddle him. But the big bastard rolled them again and again and—

The cold pool water swallowed Roni, almost making her gasp in shock. For a short moment, she didn’t move, stunned. Then panic set in, and she freed herself from Lyle’s grip and kicked to the surface of the pool. As her head penetrated the surface of the water, relief filled her, and she gulped in huge clumps of air.

She swam for the edge of the pool, but then a hand fisted in her hair and forced her head under the water. Fuck. She fought against the panic that threatened to overwhelm her, but as Lyle’s hold on her tightened and he pushed her deeper and deeper into the water, all Roni could think about was getting to the surface.

She frantically thrashed and kicked her legs, all the while struggling to hold her breath. At that moment, her wolf’s anger was a live thing. It acted as fuel, boosting Roni’s strength . . . but it wasn’t enough. Roni fought and fought, but she couldn’t reach Lyle well enough to hurt him; she couldn’t get free.

The chlorine filled and stung her nose and her airways as she helplessly inhaled the water. It felt like something was tearing and burning her throat, like it was shrinking, as the water filled her lungs. At the same time, she began to feel heavy, tired, and weak.

And she had the fleeting thought that she was going to die, that she would never see her mate again.

It should have increased her panic, but suddenly the fear slipped away. A sense of calm and tranquility began to settle in. She felt strangely at peace. Was confident that Marcus—strong, powerful, and resilient—would be fine without her. Her wolf was still frantic, clawing at Roni, fighting to surface and protect them. But her body didn’t have enough physical strength to shift. And as she succumbed to the need to sleep, her mind distantly registered the sounds of wolves growling and jackals yelping in pure agony.


