Dark Instincts Read Online Suzanne Wright (Phoenix Pack #4)

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 116
Estimated words: 109705 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 549(@200wpm)___ 439(@250wpm)___ 366(@300wpm)

She huffed. “Point taken. Did Nick tell everyone about the video?”

“He told Shaya, Eli, and the enforcers, but that’s all.”

“My mother doesn’t know?” She sighed in relief when Derren shook his head. “Good. It’s bad enough that she mollycoddles me in that patronizing, condescending way of hers. This would make her ten times worse.”

“She cares. She just has odd ways of showing that.” There was a slight pause as a glint of humor entered his eyes. “So . . . Fuller marked you.” She didn’t at all appreciate the teasing lilt to his voice. “It’s a shock that you didn’t rip him a new one for that move.”

Yeah, but how could she have vilified Marcus for that when she had marked him first? It would have been pretty hypocritical. Not that she planned on telling Derren that. But something in her expression must have given her away, because a wide smile split his lips.

“Oh . . . you marked him too, didn’t you?” He laughed. “This is going to be fun to watch.”

She sat up and tucked her legs beneath her. “What will be fun to watch?”

“Marcus trying to handle you. It’s what guys have always tried to do, threatened by how dominant you are.” He cocked his head, frowning thoughtfully. “Although . . . I have to say, Marcus doesn’t seem to do that.”

As it sounded more like a question, she confirmed, “No, he doesn’t.”

“When I see him with you, it reminds me of someone trying to approach a wild animal, to gentle them and get them used to him.”

“A wild animal?” She wasn’t sure she liked that comparison.

“My point is that he doesn’t try to handle you, he tries to understand you and coax you. That’s good.”

It was true that although he was persistent in his efforts to know her and seduce her, Marcus wasn’t extremely pushy in that annoying way that dominant males often were. He focused on her intensely, but he didn’t overwhelm her with the full force of his personality—he gave her enough physical and emotional space for her to be relaxed around him . . . as if he knew exactly what she needed. He lured, cajoled, and charmed her, wanting her to make her own way to him as opposed to forcing himself on her. She liked that.

What bothered her were the compliments. She didn’t need them and didn’t see how they could possibly be true—particularly the ones about her supposedly intriguing personality. Hell, if she didn’t have chocolate in her diet, she doubted she’d have a personality at all. She cocked her head at Derren. “Do you think I’m intriguing?”

He blinked. “Intriguing?”

“Marcus said I intrigue him.”

“Why do you sound so insulted by that?”

She shrugged. “I just don’t understand what he could possibly find intriguing.” Unless, of course, he found people who had difficulties dealing with their own species rather interesting. “He’s super good-looking, he’s charming, he’s good in the sack . . .” Extremely good in the sack. And she was . . . well, her.

“I don’t know why you’re feeling insecure. You’re hot, Roni. The only reason guys don’t swarm around you is that you intimidate them. Surely Marcus has earned brownie points for not letting your level of dominance be a factor. From what I can see, he respects it. I have to say, though, I’m not sure if you’re more dominant than he is. Fuller’s not as harmless as he seems.”

That was one of the things she liked about Derren—he never missed anything. “No, he’s not. But he doesn’t hold it over me. He treats me like an equal.” And that was a lot more than her mother and Nick did.

“That’s a good thing.”

“I know, but I marked him, and it’s freaking me out.” She’d never before marked anyone. “Worse, my wolf is totally smug about it.” She narrowed her eyes at Derren’s speculative look. “What?”

“Do you think maybe he’s your . . . ?” He shook his head. “Never mind. Look, I think you should just let yourself enjoy this. As for marking him . . . it’s easy enough to get carried away when the sex is good.”

Considering that, she nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. I just got carried away, that’s all.”

“That’s all,” he echoed, his tone reassuring.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t reassured, because she was well aware that it had been possessiveness that caused her to make that mark—it had raced through her mind and body in a way she couldn’t explain. She’d wanted to warn off any other female that dared to come near him. That wasn’t “getting carried away.” It was more. And it scared her.

At that moment, the front door burst open, and Nick, Eli, Jesse, Bracken, and Zander piled in the room. How fabulous was that?

Nick plucked her from the sofa and hugged her tight—like Roni, he wasn’t the most affectionate person in the world, so it was always kind of odd when he did that. Pulling back to meet her eyes, he spoke. “Honey, are you okay?”


