Dark Instincts Read Online Suzanne Wright (Phoenix Pack #4)

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 116
Estimated words: 109705 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 549(@200wpm)___ 439(@250wpm)___ 366(@300wpm)

Roni did as he asked and kicked them aside. On one level, it galled her to follow his every order without question. But pride wouldn’t make her come, would it? And there was a very big difference in the way that Marcus treated her and the way that guys had acted before. Marcus dominated her during sex, but he didn’t try to do it outside of the bedroom. For that reason, it didn’t make her bristle. Still, if he didn’t hurry and make her come, she’d lose her damn patience.

Marcus shackled her ankles with his hands and slowly slid them up her toned legs. “Hmm. All clear. But what about . . . here?” Canting her hips slightly, he treated himself to a fantastic view of her pussy—her folds were swollen and glistening, making his wolf growl with hunger. “You can’t have any idea how good you smell to me.”

Roni gasped as he abruptly plunged a finger inside her. He wasn’t gentle—each thrust was hard, sure, and bold. Then he found her G-spot at the exact same time that his tongue joined the fray, and she almost crumpled to the floor. Damn, the guy knew his way around the female body.

“You taste good.” Without removing his finger, Marcus delivered a sharp bite to her ass before standing upright again and whipping off his T-shirt one-handed. “I’m going to shove my cock in your pussy, Roni.” He nipped her nape, making her jolt. “I’m going to fuck you fast and deep.”

The feel of hard muscle against her bare back sent a tremor running through her, just as the feel of denim against the backs of her thighs made her moan. Her knees almost buckled when his teeth grazed over the mark on her neck. He licked and sucked, as if fascinated with it. At this point, she was frantic to have him inside her . . . and he was prolonging the fucking agony.

“Marcus, now,” she gritted out. The asshole spanked her ass instead. “Oh, you son of a—” He did it again. Roni sharply jammed her elbow into his ribs. His response? He drove another finger deep inside her and swirled them both around.

With his free hand, he fisted her hair and snatched her head back. “Striking an enforcer on his own territory is a punishable offense.”

Panting with want, she licked her lips. “No more playing.” Clearly he needed reminding that he was dealing with a dominant female. Curling an arm around his nape, she scratched hard enough to draw blood—his growl vibrated through his chest, sending a shiver down her back. “I need to come.”

Withdrawing his fingers, Marcus curled her hips slightly, positioning her to take him. “Me, Roni, you need me,” he corrected. Then he rammed every inch of himself inside her.

Roni felt her muscles contract around him as an orgasm tore through her, taking her by complete surprise with its ferocity. He didn’t wait for the aftershocks to subside, didn’t give her a reprieve. He pumped in and out of her, his hands clamped possessively on her hips, his fingers biting into the skin.

“Yes, this is what I want.” He had the feeling it was something he’d always want. With both hands now once again braced against the wall, she tried pushing back to counter his thrusts. Oh, no, he wasn’t having that. Marcus slapped her ass with the flat of his hand. “No, sweetheart, I’ll fuck you. All I want you to do is take it.” Her warning growl made him smile.

She glared at him over her shoulder. “I’m not submissive.”

“I didn’t say you’re submissive. I said I do the fucking, and you do the taking. It’s like I told you last time: when I’m inside this pussy, it’s mine. And right now, I want to fuck it.”

She might have met that statement with a string of profanities, but then he was pounding into her harder, faster, and deeper—giving her exactly what she needed.

“I’m going to come, sweetheart. I want you to come with me. Now.”

His teeth sinking into her shoulder was like a trigger; she threw her head back and screamed as wave after wave of ecstasy racked her body almost violently. He cursed against her neck as he slammed deep one final time and exploded inside her. That was when all her strength seemed to leave her body in a rush. If he hadn’t slipped an arm around her waist, she’d have crashed to the floor.

To her appreciation, he very carefully carried her limp body to the en suite bathroom, cleaned them both up, and then just as carefully carried her to the bed. Removing the rest of his clothes, he then lay beside her, lightly tracing the new mark on her shoulder while self-satisfaction glinted in his eyes. “Very pleased with that, aren’t you?”


