Dark Song – Dark Carpathians Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 165649 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 828(@200wpm)___ 663(@250wpm)___ 552(@300wpm)

There was no real reason to think that Elisabeta could be in any kind of jeopardy, but he wasn’t about to take risks with her. All along he had had a vague impression of danger toward her, and now it was definitely defined and emanating from Tariq’s second-in-command. Gary. A man Ferro trusted.

He stood up, all flowing muscle, his arm around Elisabeta’s waist, bringing her up with him and sweeping her casually behind him so he was shielding her body from those at the table but making it seem as if it was an automatic gesture.

“We will return when Josef has finished with his work. It is a little close in here. Elisabeta needs to feed after removing the infection from so many, and she’ll have to work on Josef.”

He took two steps toward the door when Tariq and Gary both rose as well. At once those in the room went on alert.

“I believe Elisabeta still has to work on Tariq,” Gary said smoothly. “She was interrupted. We can follow you outside.”

Tariq shook his head when his guards rose. “You stay.” There was complete authority in the leader’s voice. “I wish to have a quiet word with Ferro and Elisabeta.” He gestured toward the door.

Ferro couldn’t think of a good reason to keep from going out in front of him. He pulled his lifemate around his body. Stay directly in front of me and walk straight out the door and down the hallway to the outside door. Open it and go outside. Don’t stop moving for any reason.

Elisabeta didn’t question him. Alarms were shrieking at him. On their private path he felt the stirring in his mind—his brethren as uneasy as he. Ferro? What is it? Petru asked the question all the brethren wondered.

I have no idea. Has Tariq alerted his guards against you?

No, they are as uneasy as we are. They do not know what he is up to, but they do not like him unprotected. Isai gave the answer.

Ferro made a sound of disbelief in his mind. He has the healer with him. Gary has the knowledge of every battle fought by every Daratrazanoff in the entire lineage. I hardly think Tariq is unprotected.

If you have need, we will come to your aid. That was Sandu, always ready to stand with him. Is Elisabeta in danger?

That was the worst of it. Ferro felt danger, but why would Tariq, or even Gary for that matter, threaten Elisabeta, who had gone out of her way to aid them? That made little sense. All along, from the moment of her first rising, there had been something Gary, at least, had known that Ferro didn’t.

His lifemate followed his instructions to the letter. She walked briskly down the hallway, straight to the door leading to the courtyard.

“I would prefer to talk inside,” Tariq said from behind them.

Ferro didn’t slow down. “Elisabeta is uncomfortable inside. I told you, she needs to be out in the fresh air.” He pushed air at her back, urging her to open the door before either Gary or Tariq held it shut on them and he was trapped in the narrow hallway with little room to fight their way out.

She yanked the door open and stepped outside. Ferro was right on her heels and he whirled around the moment he had room to face the two men emerging from the house. Elisabeta, stay behind me. If necessary, trust only the brethren. I do not know what goes on here, but I feel a threat to you. I am uncertain why. You should be safe here with both these men, but I do not feel as if you are. Can you read either of them without their knowledge?

They would know the moment Ferro touched their minds. He wasn’t going to risk an all-out battle with two experienced ancients like Gary and Tariq when Elisabeta was in such close proximity.

Perhaps. I would have to be very careful. Gary is . . . difficult. He is closed off. Tariq is more open but right now he is watchful and much more like the brethren than I have ever seen him. He is very dangerous right now, Ferro. I do not know why he is upset, but he is very upset.

“Elisabeta is asking you questions. Private questions, Ferro, and those questions are about me.” Tariq made it a statement. “Specifically, about the prince, the past and about me.”

“We asked her whether she could figure out what the Malinov brothers might want from you—want enough that they would be willing to expose themselves and the Carpathian people to the humans in order to get it. Now, because she needs to ask questions to get information pertinent to solving the puzzle, you are all but threatening her.” Ferro pushed back at both of them, daring them to deny it.


