Deception Read Online Free Book by Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 25728 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 129(@200wpm)___ 103(@250wpm)___ 86(@300wpm)

I had claimed her on that island, what was mine I kept. Her and my son belonged to me. Him forever, her, until I was through with her, until my thirst for vengeance was appeased and the way I still lusted after her that could be a very long time.

We stopped three more times so my son could eat and once so we could grab something at a drive through. Conversation was very light as in nonexistent but I could tell she was thinking really hard about something. She could plot all she wanted to in her little head, there was nothing she could do about what I had in store for her, not if she wanted to see her son. Yes I was not above using him to tether her to me for as long as I needed. I could see that she wasn't putting on a show. She really did love my kid that was something I guess; too bad it wasn't enough to sway me from my determined course of action.

"Where did you go?"


"When you left me, where did you go?"

"Nowhere." Did she really think that was going to work? She must really think I'm a chump.

"Don't fuck with me where the fuck did you go? And don't lie to me." I knew she hadn't been at that cabin all this time, but her trail had been cold for months after she left. I needed to know what she'd been up to, who she'd been with. I'm not in the least fucking jealous dammit.

"I went to Melissa's aunt in Chicago."

"Melissa huh, the same Melissa who swore to me that she didn't know where you were?"

"Don't do anything to her because of that please, she was only trying to help me she was protecting me, please, just leave her out of this, this is between you and me."

"We'll see don't think for one second you can tell me what to do, I don't care what you want or what you think." She looked like I had kicked her, too fucking bad.

"Did you know you were pregnant when you ran or was that your whole purpose? Did you plan to get pregnant in order to extort me at a later date, is that why you were in Greece, huh, was I some kind of mark?"

"Stop the car." She reached for the door handle."

"No, take your hand away from there."

"Colin please, pull over, I'm going to be sick."

"Fuck." I pulled over to the side of the road; we were about forty five minutes from home. Before I could stop the car completely she had placed the baby in the seat and was rushing off to the side where she was violently sick.


Oh my God I can't believe how much he must really hate me to even think I was capable of such a thing. The mere thought made me sick to my stomach, the fact he even entertained the notion makes me heartsick.

Things just kept getting better and better, when we'd met on that island I'd been the happiest I've ever been in my life. There was so much promise for us, I should've known with my luck it wouldn't last. It was almost too good to be true, I'd fallen fast and fallen hard only to have it ripped away from me a few weeks later. Now I was more confused than ever, because I thought for sure he'd be married by now, after all that's the whole reason I’d left. So he could marry the woman he was promised to.

Chapter 7

I watched her as we got back on the road to see if she'd be sick again. She just held the baby as he made waking noises not saying anything, but with a frown puckering her brow. She was confusing as hell, I didn't see before me the hardened manipulator she'd turned out to be, but instead the innocent I'd fallen head over heals for. My heart gave a little pang but I squelched it quickly, all I had to do was remember my first few days after she'd left. I'll never let myself be gutted like that again. So my heart could just shut the fuck up.

She bit her lip again and my treacherous body reacted. Soon buddy, you'll have her again soon, only this time around have the good sense not to get hooked. This time they would be no loving between us when I take her, which I would very soon. It will be just plain sex, sex for the sake of working her out of my system.

"We're almost there."

She nodded without answering; okay let her play little Miss. Innocent if she wanted I wasn't falling for that shit again.

When we reached the house I took my son and left her to bring in her bags, we were upstairs in his room by the time she found us. I undressed him and really looked at him for the first time. A silly grin broke out across my face before I could stop it. Were all babies this adorable? My boy was, he looked up at me with my eyes and I fell in love. He was mine, I couldn't believe it, I had a son.


