Devotion (Montavio Brotherhood #1) Read Online Jane Henry

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Montavio Brotherhood Series by Jane Henry

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 80572 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 403(@200wpm)___ 322(@250wpm)___ 269(@300wpm)

The way she yields to me is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

I brush my lips against hers. I inhale her sigh and make it my own. I cup the back of her head while I deepen the kiss, pulling her closer to me.

I want to be gentle. I want to take my time. But now that I’ve touched her, I can’t stop the flood of emotions and the primal, clawing urge to bend her over my desk and show her what it’s like to be ravished, adored, worshipped.

I hold myself back and pull away. She stares at me with wide eyes until her lips tip upward in an almost-smile.

“If this is my reward for disobedience, I hope you know I have no intention of ever doing what you tell me again.”



I don’t think I’ve ever heard Sergio really laugh. It’s deep and sensual, a decadent, full-bodied sound that rises from his chest, painted with pleasure and warmth. I’m captivated by his amusement, as if we share a moment of intimacy I can’t quite describe. His laugh sends vibrations through my body in all the best ways.

“Ten minutes ago, I wanted to spank your ass,” he says in a hoarse voice. A shiver runs down my spine. I stare up at him and blink. Is it the sensual nature of his voice, or the way he’s looking at me, that inspired not fear but… something else… when he said that?

A spike of arousal-laced fear quickens my pulse.

I swallow, my voice hoarse. “What?”

He only grunts in response and looks away.

I’m still standing between his legs, enveloped in his warmth and strength. If I’m honest, I’ve thought about this awhile, berating myself, of course, for thinking about another man when I’m a married woman. I can tell myself all day long that I’ve left my husband and that I’ll never return to him again, but it’s hard to shake the guilt.

Despite repeatedly telling myself that I have made the decision to leave my husband and will never go back to him, the weight of the lies and guilt instilled in me during my upbringing lingers. Conditioning takes deep, painful roots.

I want Sergio. I want him to want me.

But I’m woefully unprepared for the way even the slightest touch of his hand makes my heart pound like crazy. When he gives me the full power of his gaze, my reservations melt.

I bite my lip, trying to stay composed. “You disobeyed me,” he says in a low voice before he blows out a breath. “There’s a reason I didn’t show you the club, Eden.” With a sigh, he completes his thought. “But now that you’re here, I want you to watch.”

Watch… what? I’m shaking and trembling, unsure what to expect from him. I don’t think it’s fear that I’m feeling… but something else…

He lifts a remote from his desk and spins me around, so my back is to his front.

I want to close my eyes so I can imprint these feelings in my mind, so I never forget them. Safety and protection, mingled with a strange mix of emotions I can’t even begin to decipher.

I… want to be wanted by him. I’ve never even contemplated these thoughts before.

“I’m going to show you the room you almost went into without my permission.” I nod, swallowing again, heart racing. “You’ll ask me any questions, but you aren’t going anywhere.” He pauses, and the next words out of his mouth are hard and firm. “Is that clear?”

The tone of his voice inspires immediate obedience. I nod, my mouth too dry to speak.

When he clicks a button on the remote. I watch in awe as the frosty glass in front of us melts, like condensation wiped from a glass. I stare, uncomprehending, then flinch and draw back.

“They’ll see us!”

He holds me in place effortlessly. “Stay. Watch. And they can’t see us, it’s one way only.”

“They can’t see us?” I repeat.


I stare when I see a woman kneeling at a man’s feet.

What’s going on?

Her head is bowed, and the man’s fingers are under her chin. He strokes her cheek lovingly, and she has a look of absolute ecstasy on her face. I’ve never seen someone happier in my entire life.

I indulge in a fantasy that comes from some place unknown to me.

I’m the one kneeling. And Sergio’s the one stroking my cheek.

“You’re a good girl,” he whispers, as if I’ve pleased him. “Such a good girl.”

Sudden tears blur my vision. I turn my head away.

“Look, Eden. You wanted to see? Then watch.”

I want to. I want to see everything.

I’m being punished for my sins, I know it. I’ve been cast into Hell and tempted with all manner of things, because I left my husband. I knew that this would happen, that if I didn’t surrender to the will of the fellowship I’d end up in Hell. That I’d be excommunicated and abandoned. I knew it, but it was the choice I made when I left. The punishment I took on myself to save my sister.


