Devotion (Montavio Brotherhood #1) Read Online Jane Henry

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Montavio Brotherhood Series by Jane Henry

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 80572 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 403(@200wpm)___ 322(@250wpm)___ 269(@300wpm)


As if to validate my arousal, he caresses the tender place he just spanked. “How are you doing?”

“I’m… oh my goodness, I’m fantastic,” I say in a rush of words.

“Oh, really? You’re being punished, Eden.” But there’s a hint of a tease in his voice when he gives me a second firm smack.

Again, he spanks me, and again, my body responds like this is the sexiest thing anyone’s ever done for me.

It actually… might be.

I brace for another spank and actually wonder how good this will feel if he continues, when he pats my butt.

“That's all we're doing tonight."

Wait. That’s it?

Why am I disappointed?

I want him to touch me. I want him to keep going. I want to know what happens if he does.

I clear my throat. “Thank you, sir.”

“Christ, you’re a natural, woman.” With a sigh, he turns me over so I’m sitting on his lap. “Heart check."

I blink. I clear my throat. “What does that mean?”

He only shakes his head. “Tell me where your heart is. Did that trigger you? Scare you? Remind you of something negative?”

I give him a curious look. “No. Not at all. I… well, I could have kept going doing that. And… all I know is I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, but I am very, very thankful you're alright.” He laughs, unreservedly. I love it when he does.

"God, you're adorable. So adorable. We both need sleep. This is behind us now. I’m not angry with you, and I know that you’re going to be a good girl who obeys going forward, aren’t you?”

“Um. How good do I have to be?”



Eden doesn't know who I am, but right now I don't think she cares.

She will.

I hate leaving her. But something tells me it’s best to take it slow with her, to make sure that she’s not overwhelmed or hurt in any way. I know that some in the lifestyle find healing when they submit to someone they trust. When they associate a session with freedom and autonomy, and sexual exploration.

I want that for her.

Hell, I want that for me.

I pace my room, trying to distract myself from everything I want to do with her. Going slowly doesn’t come naturally for me.

I call Mario to check on him, but he doesn't answer. I look at my texts.

Mario’s sleeping. He's going to be fine. He's got broken ribs but is alive thanks to you.

God, what a day.

I'm thankful that my office is the only place in this whole damn club that doesn't have a video camera, because for the first time in my life, I crave privacy.

I don’t want to share her with anyone.

I can be patient. I can wait years if I need to. And I might have to. She’s got a lot of shit to deal with, but don’t all of us?

Since I can’t call Mario, I call his wife, Gloria.

"Sergio? Oh God, I have to thank you. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I’m good. How’s Mario?”

“Tired, sore, and he’s got a long recovery ahead of him, but he’ll make it.” She takes a long, shuddering breath. "I'm at the hospital with him, and he's fine. Thank God. They say he wouldn't be alive if it weren’t for you, Sergio. I don't know how to thank you."

Okay, so the Rossis need to calm down. I did what anyone would do in that situation.

“How can I thank you? I mean it.”

I huff out a laugh.

“He’s my best friend, Gloria. You don’t owe me any thanks. I’d lay down my life for him.”

“Fine, then, give me a job. You know me, Sergio. You know I don't like just sitting around. I want to stay busy. What can I do. Put me to work."

Gloria is the most talented fucking detective we have. She’s dynamite.

“Actually… I do have a job for you. Or a continuation of one. I want you to find out everything you can about the fellowship cult in North Carolina. Everything. I want to know who they are, what they stand for.” I stare out the window at the crowd below, not really seeing them. “And find out the name of the man Eden’s married to.”



I wake the next morning as if from a dream.

What happened? Where am I?

It takes me a minute, then everything comes back to me in a rush.

Sergio. The club. We aren’t… pretending anymore.


I thought that I would have a hard time falling asleep, but I didn't. If I'm honest, I probably slept better than I have in years. I regard myself in the mirror, as if expecting I would somehow look different, because I definitely feel different. I'm just the same old me, though. A little boring if you ask me. Smaller than the other women, plainer… Yesterday, when I saw those women in the club, I felt out of place. I wanted to look glamorous, and beautiful, and brilliant like they did.


