Dirty Flowers – The Lion and the Mouse Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 147
Estimated words: 148949 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 745(@200wpm)___ 596(@250wpm)___ 496(@300wpm)


She looked up. The ferocity of her gaze pierced me like a thousand knives. Her eyes were aflame with pure, unrelenting determination and I knew that no amount of persuasion or discussion could sway her from this chosen path.

Only one word left her lips. “Please.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “Your comparison to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. . .”

“What about it?”

“I do not like the comparison.”

“Then, consider me a werewolf with a beast that comes out during a full moon, and during that time. . .I have to chain myself up. This week is a full moon.”

“I am afraid that the cell and this method will have you grow into more darkness—”

“Nothing was worse than waking up to Olga’s death.” Emily’s eyes watered. “I would rather open my eyes and see gray walls, than see blood on my hands.”

“I am not the sort of man that could let you—”

“In this situation, I need you to step away from being the Lion.” Emily’s gaze plead with me. “Right now, I need you to love and support me.”

“You know I love you.”

“Then, support me.”

“That ring on your finger means that I am supposed to protect you—”

“And the ring says that I am to protect you also.” Holding the jeans and shirt, she walked over to me. “While you don’t need me to physically protect you, Kaz, you do need me to protect your feelings, your heart, your mind. . .”

“You do.”

“What Lunita did with the gardener hurt you.”

I gritted my teeth.

“Olga’s death hurt you too.”

Just hearing Olga’s name brought so much pain to my chest. All I could do was look away.

“That bitch is not going to harm you anymore. I’m not going to let her.” Emily came over and let the clothes fall from her hands. They fell to the floor. Next, she wrapped her arms around my waist. “No more letting Lunita do what she wants, Kaz. I mean it.”

My body trembled with anger as I held onto her tightly.

“Please, Kaz.”

I closed my eyes.

“Just until we go to New Orleans.”

I could battle Emily on this. I had more people than her, more resources. I could flood the cells with water or have them filled with concrete so that she could never even enter tonight.

I could war with her all day and stop any attempt again.

But, that would only stress her out more.

And possibly trigger Lunita’s appearance.

Plus, I just did not want to stress her anymore.

A few minutes passed.

I opened my eyes and looked into hers. “I will let you do this, but only until we go to New Orleans.”

“Thank you, baby.” A relieved expression came on her face. She pulled away and picked up the shirt and jeans off the floor. “It will all work out.”

I raised one finger. “But.”

She quirked her brows. “But?”

“I sleep in the cell next to you.”

She frowned. “You don’t have to do that.”

“I do.”


“That is the compromise, mysh.”

“Goddamn it.” Sighing, she walked away.

Chapter 23

Questions and Answers


I had a lot to get done before leaving for New Orleans. One of those duties was to gather as many answers as I could so that Blue, David, and Giorgio had a good head start.

But, will we get answers from these chicks?

In my heart, hope twisted with fear.

We headed down to the cells.

Kaz and King David walked in front.

I trailed behind them. On my right, Max kept my pace and twisted a newly rolled blunt between his fingers.

Giorgio and Blue followed.

These bitches better talk.

As we moved forward, I raised my hands in front of me. Black leather gloves covered them. I closed them into fists.

They came to hurt Paolo. I’m going to fuck them up.

Thoughts of revenge unfurled within me like a serpent coiled in the shadows, patiently awaiting the moment to strike with venomous precision.

This is going to be fun.

Max glanced my way. “Do you mind not looking so happy to torture these women?”

Frowning, I opened my hands and dropped them to my sides. “Kaz, won’t let me use anything sharp.”

Max placed the blunt to his nose and sniffed. “You disagree with that?”


Max moved the blunt from his nose and leaned my way. “What I want to know is if he slapped David or not?”

My frown deepened. “I don’t think so.”

Max returned to twisting the blunt between his fingers. “You should know, Em.”


“It’s your fault if he did slap David. That was a dumb move, Em.”

“You know I didn’t want David to get in trouble, but tell me this.”


“Did you not feel safer once you heard I was sleeping in the cell?”

Max sucked his teeth. “That’s not a fair question, man.”

“It is.”

“Of course I felt safer.”

“Then, I had to do it.”

“You say that, but I saw this motherfucker’s face this morning, when he realized you wasn’t in bed with him.” Max shook his head. “I thought I wasn’t afraid of dude anymore, but. . .I had a healthy amount of fear in the hallway today.”


