Dirty Stack (The Devious Games Duet #2) Read Online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Billionaire, Crime, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Devious Games Duet Series by D.D. Prince

Total pages in book: 183
Estimated words: 178343 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 892(@200wpm)___ 713(@250wpm)___ 594(@300wpm)

She looks stunned.

“What’s up?” I ask.

“Um…” She looks me over. “Change into a pretty frock and let’s go.”

“Go where?” I ask.

“I’m taking you to dinner.”

“We didn’t have plans.”

“We do now. You’ve still got most of your makeup on so that’s good, but take that ponytail out, fluff those curls up, throw a dress and some heels on and chop, chop.” She punctuates her ‘chop chop’ with two claps. “Bring your lipstick. You can apply it in the car.”

“Dinner would be nice. I’ve got news to share,” I say.

“Yeah?” she asks.

“Things went crazy today with my lunch with my vendor, Tennille. And not only would my bitchy ex-boss have gotten fired this afternoon, but I got offered a pretty crazy job offer. I’ll fill you in on the way. But, I have to call Wesley, my security. See if he can follow us. Killian has me on strict orders right now to have-”

“I already have Wesley waiting for us downstairs. And I have a bone to pick with you about that, Missy. Why didn’t you say a word about how fucking gorgeous your bodyguard is?”

I laugh.

“Did you see those green eyes? And those biceps, Violet? My God.” She grabs my biceps and gives me a little shake. “Why didn’t you tell me? I met him on the way in, he was in the parking lot, and I could barely talk I was that flustered. The man has the most beautiful hands I’ve ever seen. Who pervs on someone’s hands? I do, that’s who.” She points at herself.

“Why is he still here? How do you even know who he is?”

“No time to explain right now. Change your clothes. Hurry. We have reservations. I’ll explain later.”


“No questions, Missy. Did you not hear me earlier when I ordered-” she claps her hands again, “chop, chop?”


We get into the back of Wesley’s car, which strikes me as strange. She doesn’t want me to drive, and I don’t know why.

“Not like I can get drunk, Suse.”

“Duh. Just trust me,” she says, smiling.

“Wesley, I’m sorry, I don’t know how you got roped into this, whatever this is.”

“Not to worry; it’s cool,” he says, and his eyes are twinkling in the rearview mirror.

Susanna fans herself and goes wide-eyed. I’m not shocked my bestie is crushing on my bodyguard. He’s pretty gorgeous.

I fill her in about my day on the way there and am still telling the story when we stop.

We’re at Numbers.

“What are we doing here?” I ask.

Suse is doing something on her phone and sitting sideways so I can’t see her screen.

“I gotta run in for two seconds and talk to Killian,” she says, not looking up while she does. “You might as well come say hi.”

“You gotta run in and talk to my husband on the way to take me to dinner? This makes no sense.”

“Come on,” she says, sliding her phone into her bag and tugging my hand to pull me out the door with mischief shining in her eyes.

We head inside, Wesley following, and then I see Alana. She’s also got a big smile on her face.

“Oh, you’re working here today?” I ask.

“Not exactly,” she replies, and she’s not dressed the way she usually is for work. She’s got jeans and a nice blouse on instead of one of her power suits and she isn’t wearing her eyeglasses. “How are you, Violet?”

“I’m good, thanks. Interesting day.”

“Let’s go see Killian,” Alana says without even asking me why my day was interesting. “He’s up in his office. And then let’s grab a drink and you can tell me all about how interesting.”

I wave to Craig, the manager, who is talking to a server by the bar. He smiles and waves at me. The pretty brunette beside him gives me a snotty look.

He whispers something to her and she straightens up and her expression changes to something else. Something mean, I think. A chill crawls up my spine for some weird reason. I follow Alana and Susanna.

“What’s going on, you guys?”

They both smile at me and it hits me. They’re doing my bridal shower here.

We walk into Killian’s office and not only is Killian there, so are a dozen faces I know who all shout, “Surprise!”

The space is filled with light purple and metallic silver balloons. Small pots filled with violets. And three tables with chairs around them have been brought in fill what’s normally Killian’s very spacious office. It’s now a tight fit with those tables, a buffet table set up by the window that looks down on the club, a selection of drinks, and a round gift table near the bathroom door.

“You guys!” I exclaim.

Killian moves in and kisses me. “I’m outta here. Have fun. I’ll be back in three or four hours, and we’ll go home and you can give me a fashion show.” He wiggles his brows and gets laughter from everyone in the room.


