Double the Fun Read online Jenika Snow

Categories Genre: Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 49074 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 245(@200wpm)___ 196(@250wpm)___ 164(@300wpm)

Jane watched her disappear into the shadows. For several long moments, all she could do was stare into the darkness. Rys hadn’t fathered Christa’s baby. He’d been telling the truth, and she hadn’t let him fully tell his side of the story, because she’d let her emotions control her.

She had no reason to doubt what Missy said. In fact, she would have assumed Missy would confirm her fear that Rys was, in fact, the father.

The sound of her heart beating in her ears drew her out of her thoughts. She turned her car on and headed out into the street with one destination in mind. William’s and Rys’s house.

Chapter 27

Jane turned off the car and sat there for a moment. All the lights were on despite the fact that it was close to midnight. She knew they had work in the morning, so she questioned why in the world they were still up. The need to get out of her car was strong, but there was also a hesitant part of her that was afraid to make that move.

For days, she’d avoided them. It had been the hardest time since their relationship had escalated. They’d been inseparable, and now she was sitting outside their house after pushing them away so many times. Had they ever pushed her away? No. Never.

Steeling herself, Jane made her way out of the car and up the steps of the porch. The screen door was open, which she thought a bit odd, even if the weather was nice. It was almost midnight, for God’s sake! The sound of raised voices came out of the house, and Jane froze, not knowing if she should make her presence known.

“What in the hell am I supposed to do, Will?” Rys’s voice was raised and came out like a rough growl.

“How the hell am I supposed to know? You’re the one who fucked up, and now I have to pay for it.”

The sound of heavy footfalls pacing the length of a wooden floor filled the sudden silence. “You don’t think I’m suffering here as well? She won’t see me either,” Rys growled. “I didn’t fucking sleep with Christa. She’s a lying bitch.”

She’d never heard the twins fight before, not like this, not with so much anger moving between them.

“I’ve told you a million different times that I can’t be the father of Christa’s baby. There is just no way. I don’t care what she says. I didn’t fuck her.”

“You were drunk. Passed out, I’m sure. And what if you are, Rys? How do you think that is going to make Janey feel? You think she’s going to want you then? What about me?”

“What about you? You aren’t the one who lost the most important person in your life.”

“No?” Jane had never heard Will’s voice so loud and rage-filled before. “You’re my fucking identical twin. She can’t look at you right now, because you broke her heart. I am unfortunate enough to look just like you, and now she doesn’t want anything to do with me either.” Heavy breathing followed William’s words. “So, yeah, Rys. I’ve lost the person that means the world to me. I’ve lost the woman I love, because you can’t keep your dick in your pants.”

Rys’s laughter was anything but humorous. “Don’t get all high and fucking mighty on me.”

“Yeah, well, at least I know bad news when I see it, and Christa Martine is bad fucking news, Rys.”

Rys growled like some kind of wild animal, and then she heard a loud bang followed by shuffling around. Dammit, they were fighting. She didn’t bother knocking, just pulled the door open and walked quickly toward the scuffle. When she rounded the corner and came into the living room, she saw Rys and William throwing punches at each other. A lamp fell and broke on the floor, and their curses and grunts filled the room. The testosterone and rage in the room was thick as sin, and she took a hesitant step forward.

She didn’t want to see them fight, not over this, not when there were so many other things they could be focused on. Rys slammed his fist into Will’s side, and William reciprocated by throwing a punch into Rys’s abdomen. They both grunted and crashed into one of the end tables, sending the wood crumbling beneath their weight.

“Stop.” They didn’t hear her and instead threw more punches. “Stop!” Both of them immediately did just that. Their gazes landed on her, and they heaved from the force of their breathing. Nothing was said for several long, tense moments, and then she licked her lips and said, “Please, stop fighting. It’s not worth it.” They broke apart and looked at each other.

“You’re here? Like really here?” Rys panted as he took a step toward her. His expression appeared disbelieving. “She’s here, William.” He took another step toward her. “Baby….” In the next instant, he had his arms wrapped her, and the pressure he used to hold her to him was almost suffocating. Head on his chest, Jane closed her eyes and inhaled the scent that was all Rys.


