Eden High Finale Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66099 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 330(@200wpm)___ 264(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)

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“She’s okay Jace you have to calm down.”

“How the fuck is she okay? Look at all that shit she’s hooked up to.”

“They’re just monitoring her that’s all.” Track kept his voice low and calm like I didn't know what he was doing.

“What the fuck happened in that room before we came? What were you guys talking about?” I looked at the girls who were looking guilty as hell. Valerie stepped forward.

“It was me, sorry Track, Jace. I’m the one who brought up Mandy and that I thought you guys were planning something.”

"No, it was all of us." Tammy stepped forward first followed by Belle.

“Yeah that’s right, we all brought it up.”

“I’m going back in there. You three, handle your women.” Fuck! I walked back into the room where she was talking to her doctor and overheard something I’m sure I wasn’t supposed to.

“Don’t tell him, please, please, please, please.”

“Don’t tell me what?” She turned to look at me as I walked through the door before turning back to the doctor.

“Jace, I don’t need to be here, I’m fine, I told you…”

“And I told you to shut up. Let the doctor take care of you.” I heard her parents and mine outside in the hallway, finally arriving.

“What’s wrong with her doc? What is it she doesn’t want you to tell me?”

“Nothing, she’s…”

“See, I told you...”

“SIAN. FUCK! talk doc.”

She rolled her damn eyes at me so I guess her ass was okay after giving me a fucking heart attack but I still wanted to hear it from the professional.

“As I was saying she’s fine. She just got a little bit too upset. That mixed with anxiety and the fact that she’s on medication all reacted together. Just let her have some juice and she’ll be right as rain.”

I looked back and forth between the two of them, sure they were keeping something from me, but decided to leave it alone for now. She’d had enough for one day.

“Thanks, doc." I waited for her to leave the room and held my peace all the while both our parents came in to fawn all over her. She was avoiding my eyes and I was trying to cultivate my patience for when we were alone again.

The room soon filled up with our friends and I think I breathed for the first time when I heard her laugh. Valerie kept apologizing, but I was pretty sure I’d brought this on. Well, it was a combination of their nosy asses getting into shit, and me walking away from her.

Dad was the first to ask for a prognosis after they’d ascertained that she wasn’t at death’s door.

“The doctor said I can leave I’m just waiting for Jace to give the okay.” I bet she thinks that shit’s funny. They all had a good laugh, my parents included.

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“What? What happened? Was she attacked again?” I got up off my bed where I’d been lazing around and planning in my head. When the phone rang and I saw that it was Liz I knew I had to answer, but I had no idea the news was going to be this good.

“We don’t know what happened. We just saw the ambulance and Jace taking her out of class. She wasn’t conscious though that much I know.” I grilled her for all the information she had which wasn’t much, but what little it was, was golden.

“Great, keep me posted.”

“Yes!” I hung up the phone and did a little jig before heading downstairs for a late breakfast. It’s the first time I’ve felt like eating in almost twenty-four hours. I had a sudden burst of energy and a renewed feeling of hope.

My mind was filled with thoughts and ideas of what could’ve happened to her while I poured myself some freshly squeezed orange juice and grabbed a piece of fruit from the tray.

I didn't want to get ahead of myself until I knew more, but any way that bitch is hurt is good for me. Maybe her old stab wounds were infected. I hope the bitch gets sepsis or some other life-threatening disease. That would make my life so much better.

This sitting around waiting for others wasn't working for me though. I needed to know what was going on and I needed to know now. I had a lot of fun playing around with what-ifs in my head, waiting for the phone to ring.

When almost an hour went by without any updates, I decided a front row seat would be even better. I got that sweet tingly feeling all over my body at the thought of what laid ahead. Finally, things are starting to go my way!



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“Valerie, you wanna tell me what’s going on?” I’d pulled her out of the hospital room while everyone else was preoccupied. I needed to get ahead of this shit before it went south.


