Falling for the Forbidden Read Online Pam Godwin, Jessica Hawkins, Anna Zaires, Renee Rose, Charmaine Pauls, Julia Sykes

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance Tags Authors: , , , , ,

Total pages in book: 767
Estimated words: 732023 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 3660(@200wpm)___ 2928(@250wpm)___ 2440(@300wpm)

“Look at me.”

The command is at direct odds with my earlier one, but I’m learning to read and understand her reactions. Of course, she ignores me, wandering around in the void she has created in her head.

“If you don’t look at me right now, we’re going to start over. This time, we’ll practice in front of the mirror.”

Slowly, she turns her gaze back in my direction until she’s watching me from under her lashes.

“Good girl. Keep on watching me and tell me what you feel. If you stop talking, we start from scratch.”


She furrows her eyebrows, but I don’t give her time for another question. I resume the task of licking her nipple like it’s my favorite candy. When a suppressed moan slips from her lips, I lift my head to give her a hard look.

“Valentina, I won’t tell you again. How does it feel?”

She licks her lips, watching me as I lave her breast with my tongue.

“It feels … hot.” She flushes bright red. “Wet. I mean…”


She bites her bottom lip.

“Carry on.” I move to her other breast.

“Uh… Soft. Ah! Hard.”

She cries out as I nip her with my teeth. “Tell me.”

“Sore. No. Different. I don’t know!”

I suck her relentlessly, plumping up her breast in my fist and pinching the hard tip with my lips. “Be clearer.”

“Good! Ah, God. It hurts…good.”

She pants and squirms. It’s good to have her in the moment with me. I need her to feel, because I get off on her pleasure. I kiss her breasts and fondle her nipples until she’s close to hyperventilating, throwing incoherent words and phrases at me. “I’m going to make you come,” I say, “and you can’t stop it.” She tenses again, her face a mask of agonized pleasure.

“Say it,” I urge, pinching her nipple hard.

She yelps. “Can’t…stop it.”

“That’s it.” I suck on her nipple. “Let it go.”

She wiggles. “I–I can’t.”

“I won’t stop, Valentina. We’ll go all night if we have to, but you’re going to give it to me.”

She grips my shoulders, her nails digging into my skin, and gives a frustrated sob. “I don’t understand what you want from me.”

“Just lie back and I’ll show you.”

Her grip on me tightens, and her neck strains up, fear dampening the arousal in her eyes.

“My cock will stay in my pants. Lie back.”

Slowly, the muscles in her neck relax as she lays her head back on the pillow. Once more, her body goes soft beneath me, but this time she’s present. There’s no more holding back. Her legs go slack, her thighs parting an inch. The slow, raspy lick of my tongue over her nipple is another reward, strengthening her good behavior. When she lifts her shoulders off the mattress, I almost lose control. I suck her nipple to the back of my mouth, eating her breast like a piece of cake, and she throws the reward right back at me by pushing deeper, forcing me to take more and giving me what I’ve been waiting for. The sweetest whimpers fall on my ears.

So damn hot. My fingers tighten involuntarily around her neck, applying more pressure, showing us both who she belongs to. There’s no intent to harm, and her subconscious mind knows this. I lave her other breast with the wet strokes of my tongue, giving the plump curve the same meticulous attention as its twin until she squirms in my hold. Loosening my grip on her neck, I let my palm slide down her throat, between her breasts, and over her stomach. Her skin is slick from my kisses, and the wet trail makes her tummy quiver. Keeping my hand on her stomach, I kiss a path to her pubic bone, nuzzling her skin with my nose. The smell of her desire drives me crazy. She’s wet, and the possessive side of me revels in the knowledge that I’m the cause. I’m the master of her desire. I brought her this far. I’ll take her over the edge.

She seems barely coherent as I hook my fingers in the elastic of her underwear and pull it over her hips and down her legs. I free her ankles and discard the piece of clothing on the floor. She’s turned on enough to take it a level rougher. I push her legs wide open, giving all of my senses access to her deepest core.

It’s no secret that I love fucking. This is the part of women I love with reverence. I love their delicate folds, their taste, their smell, and the sounds they make when I invade their bodies. Valentina’s cunt is beautiful. Her pussy lips are pink and plump, glistening with arousal. Her clit peeks from between her swollen labia like a pearl. The pucker of her asshole is a rosebud, and the tightness tells me no man has claimed her there. I don’t mind her dark, silky pubic hair, but it has to go. I want to see her bare skin when I part her with my cock. I want to see her peachy lips stretch as wide as they can go when I take her deep, but thinking ahead only fucks with my head and torments my aching dick. I close my eyes and focus on her taste, instead. My tongue sweeps over her slit to the tip of her clit. She jerks violently, a sweet cry bouncing off the walls. Her hands dig into my shoulders, shoving and pulling simultaneously. She stopped talking. The only sounds coming from her lips are the moans I was chasing after.


