False Start – Red Zone Rivals Read Online Kandi Steiner

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 125866 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 629(@200wpm)___ 503(@250wpm)___ 420(@300wpm)

I covered my mouth, and when Sebastian looked at me, he seemed worried that I was upset. So, quickly, I smiled and grabbed his arms. “It’s okay to wish that,” I assured him. “But your dad loves you. And you have fun with him, don’t you? You always love going to his house, and when he takes you to get ice cream, or when he takes you to the cool baseball games downtown.”

“Yeah,” Sebastian said, but he grew quiet after that.

“You about ready?” I asked.

He nodded. “I just need to feed Titan.”

“Okay. You go feed Titan and then we’ll get you to camp, okay?”


“Hey,” I said when he went to pull away. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” he echoed. “Mommy?”


“I don’t want to go to Dad’s tonight.”

Emotion strangled my next breath. Technically, he didn’t have a choice. Marshall and I had shared custody, and tonight was his night.

But he was already drinking, and if I knew my ex-husband well enough, he would continue drinking until he was passed out. I knew I could count on him not wanting to take on any responsibilities come this afternoon. I knew, if I waited and called him after camp, saying Sebastian wasn’t feeling well and wanted to come back here — Marshall wouldn’t argue.

He’d take the easy way out.

“Okay, baby.” I whispered. “You don’t have to go to Dad’s. I’ll get you after camp.”

When Sebastian dipped back inside his room, I made my way into the living room and found Kyle standing at the front door looking out at the front lawn. After confirming Marshall wasn’t still out there, I slid up behind him, wrapping my arms around his middle.

“Everything okay?”

Kyle’s jaw worked under the skin, and he covered my hands with his, angling his face toward mine.

“He threatened to take you to court again,” he said, his voice low so Sebastian wouldn’t hear. “He… he said he’ll go for full custody.”

All the blood drained from my face, my body running cold.

I stood there frozen as Kyle turned and pulled me into his arms, searching my gaze.

“He… he can’t,” I croaked, but even as I tried to convince myself, I knew damned well he could.

He’d threatened it before, but I’d always thought he’d be too lazy to actually do it.

But with Kyle in the picture, with him feeling threatened…

“Oh, God.”

I covered my mouth with both hands, eyes pricking with wet heat. Before a tear could fall, Kyle had his hands framing my face, and he lowered his gaze to be level with mine.

“No, he can’t,” he said. “He won’t.”

“But he can,” I said, arguing with myself. “He’s a well-respected vet. He has the money, the means to care for Sebastian. He knows how to spin a room. He can make anyone believe that he’s the good guy. He—”

“He will be fighting a losing battle if he goes through with this, and so help me God, I will hang him out to dry in front of any judge he dares to force you in front of.”

I shook my head. “Kyle, you wouldn’t be there. You—”

“Yes, I will be.” He swallowed, his eyes flicking between mine. “As long as you say yes.”

“Say… yes?”

He wet his lips, and then with a steady gaze and intent so pure I could feel it burning through his hands and into my very being, he dropped to one knee.

“Marry me.”


“You… what?!”

Giana was aghast — and judging by the faces of the rest of my friends on our emergency Zoom call, she wasn’t the only one.

“I’m pretty sure he just said he asked her to marry him,” Holden clarified.

“Without a ring,” Riley added.

“Without a plan, clearly!” Giana interjected. “Kyle — do you not understand what this means, not just for you, but for her? You are a rookie in the NFL. Camp starts in a few days. We already have you lined up for multiple television and podcast interviews.”

“We don’t need to put her in the spotlight,” I said instantly. “At least… not yet.”

“Not yet being the key words,” Giana said. “Because there is absolutely no way she can stay hidden from the media — not unless you plan to lock her in a castle somewhere and never let her see the light of day.”

“How does she feel about it all?” Julep asked gently, her hand wrapped around Holden’s arm in the video frame. “Is she okay with this part of you?”

I swallowed. “We haven’t really discussed it.”

“I can’t believe you proposed in the most un-romantic way,” Giana said. “Without a ring!”

Clay shrugged next to her. “I think it’s kind of romantic,” he argued. “Kyle is her knight in shining armor. Marshall is the dragon with bad breath.”

“Slay that motherfucker!” Leo chimed in, standing up and doing a weird joust with his arm.

Mary tugged him back down into his seat with her lips in a flat line.


