Fire In His Chaos – Fireblood Dragon Read online Ruby Dixon

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 86059 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 430(@200wpm)___ 344(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

Then he finds my clit, circling around it with the tip of his tongue.

I let out a hoarse cry as the first shudder of an orgasm rips through me. I’ve touched myself before a few times, but privacy is hard to find and the tepid, quick release usually not worth the efforts. Even when I did, though, it was never like this. Never so intense, so overwhelming. I feel like I’m being torn apart—in all the best ways—and slowly drifting back together.

Jurik just makes another rumbling sound of pleasure in his throat and licks me again, as if he’s determined to lap up every bit of my taste.

Little shuddering aftershocks blossom through me. They feel good at first, and then his mouth becomes too much, and I realize what we’ve been doing. I push his head away with a sigh, caressing his face again. He scrapes his teeth over the meat of my palm, giving me a hot look as I struggle to catch my breath.

“I’m so going to regret that,” I manage. Now I don’t have any clothing. I let the dragon do what he wanted with me, so I’ve screwed our personal boundaries.

Worst of all, though, now I know what it’s like for him to touch me, and I’m afraid I’m going to want it over and over again. Like a child that’s had her first taste of sweets, I’m going to want more and more.

Jurik is dangerous, and not just because he’s a dragon. He’s dangerous because I lose my mind around him.



She is softening to me, my prickly mate.

I rub my nose against her arm, pleased at the thick mating scent that surrounds us in the grass. She makes a noise, pushing me away, but I let her slip out of my grasp. She will not go far. Her scent is in my nostrils and I know I can find her anywhere.

More than that, I know that she will turn to me when I touch her. The fear scent she wore like her strange coverings is gone now, replaced by the occasional flick of irritation, her curiosity, and the perfume of her cunt.

I lick my lips, thinking about her taste again.

Ruh-chul gets up, retrieving some of the scraps of her coverings and holding them up to her chest, making distressed noises in her throat.

I like you better this way, I send to her, but my thoughts are received by nothing and no one. Frustrated, I try again. Will you yet not open your mind to me?

She turns and faces me, making more noises with her mouth. She gestures at her coverings, an angry tone in her voice. Is she mad that I pulled them off of her? They were in the way, and they prevented her incredible scent from wafting through the air. I like her much better this way, her skin exposed, her breasts bobbing with her movements. I can see the patch of dark curls between her thighs, which I noticed earlier as I tasted her. The differences on her body are fascinating, but I am not displeased by any of it. Like her scars and her arm, they make her uniquely Ruh-chul and all of it pleases me.

Ruh-chul makes another grumpy sound at me, trying to tie a piece of her torn coverings back over her pink-tipped breasts. I move to her side and she scolds me, blushing as I approach and run my hand down her arm. She gets flustered at my caress, her gaze flicking to my still-hard and aching cock, and her charming face turns a deeper shade of pink. Interesting, her reaction. I rumble with amusement as Ruh-chul skitters away from me, rushing back to retrieve her pack.

I do believe my mate is shy. Perhaps that is why she hides her fine-looking body with such ugly coverings.

My cock aches, and I hunger to claim her as my mate. My desire rages through me, threatening to bring back the madness of colors and sounds with it, but I push it aside, focusing on my mate. Her nervousness tells me she is not quite ready to accept me as her mate just yet. It will take a bit more time and a few more caresses before she welcomes my touch.

So, I will let her set the pace for now.

Ruh-chul picks up her pack and pulls out a round metal container, lifting it to her lips. Water, I suspect, and I notice that her expression turns to one of dismay when she lifts the container to her lips and nothing comes out.

Thirst, I can help her with easily. If she will not allow me to claim her and give her my fires, perhaps she will let me provide for her in other ways.

I move to her side, deliberately brushing my body against hers.


