Habeas Corpus – The Anna Albertini Files Read Online Rebecca Zanetti

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 96641 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 483(@200wpm)___ 387(@250wpm)___ 322(@300wpm)

“By the Cupids?” I asked.

“Yep. Pete was in early doing inventory, and they shot him with an arrow.”

My heart dropped. Pete was a nice old guy. I’d been to his pawn shop several times over the years. The weathered brick building stood on the outskirts of town and often offered decent silver jewelry. “Is he okay?”

“Yeah. The lead Cupid, the guy in all black, shot him in the leg. Pete is in the hospital now but should be released later today.”

“Why did the Cupid shoot Pete?” I asked.

Aiden sat on the bed and gingerly pulled my T-shirt away from the bandage to look at my stitches. I ignored him because I didn’t really want to look.

“We don’t know,” Pierce said. “Pete was cooperating with them, and he even opened the safe, but when they were leaving, the lead guy turned, pulled back on the bowstring, and shot him.”

It seemed lead Cupid had acquired a taste for shooting people. So the main Cupid hadn’t fled. Good to know. “At least he hit Pete’s leg and didn’t try to kill him,” I murmured. “That was an improvement over Lenny.”

“Agreed. I have every available officer canvassing all the charities in town. We figure the Cupid gang will dump a bunch of the loot either today or tomorrow, and we want everybody on alert. We’re placing cameras wherever we can.”

That was an excellent idea. “Anything else going on?” I asked.

“We’re still working on tracking down where they might’ve acquired the arrows. We’ve got three of them now. Well, four, counting the one that hit Pete. So far, nothing. You’d be surprised how hard it is to find arrows. There’s a good chance this guy made his own.”

Yeah, the lead Cupid seemed like a guy who’d make his own arrows. “Thanks for checking in, Pierce,” I said. “If anything new comes up, would you let us know?”

“Affirmative.” He was quiet for a beat. “Switching topics for a moment. You might want to think about passing Nick’s case on to somebody else, Albertini.”

I stiffened. “Why? Is something about to happen?”

“Not yet, but he’s going to need a lawyer at full strength, and you probably should lay low for a little bit. Later.” He clicked off.

I looked at Aiden. “That didn’t sound good.”

Aiden shook his head. “No, it really didn’t.”

I finished off his coffee, and he didn’t seem to mind. “What about your case against Nick? Anything interesting?”

Aiden nodded. “Yeah. The Navy conducted a couple of computer searches for us to see who had been digging into Nick’s old cases. I have a guy.”

“You have a guy?” I said.

“Yeah, but I can’t really tell you more than that, considering you’re Nick’s lawyer.” His eyes were teasing, but he’d set his jaw.

I gave him my best puppy-dog look, not above obvious manipulation. “Come on.”

“All I’ll tell you is that I’m bringing the guy in. I’m having him flown here and will discuss the matter with him. All right?”

“Okay.” It was the best I would get.

Aiden stood and retrieved his now empty cup. “How about staying home for the day?”

“You think I’m in danger?”

He sighed. “You’re right that the main Cupid wanted to shut up Lenny and then shot you in case Lenny had given him up to you. So that threat is gone since either he did and you reported it to the police, or he didn’t and the main Cupid is safe. However, I’d like you to relax at home today.”

“You would?”

“Yes.” He had that look he got when he was ready for an argument.

I chose not to give him one. “All right.”

He stilled, looked me over, and then frowned. “What are you up to?”

“Nothing. I’m fine taking a day off. However, I am going to a basketball game tonight.” I rolled my neck, trying to ease some of the tension.

“Ah. When Violet gets to see a judge in action, huh? That’s fine. I’ll pick you up after dinner. I’m going to the office. For today, I’m leaving the doors locked. I want you to sleep and get better.”

“You’re kind of bossy.”

His grin held charm. “You like me bossy,” he retorted, kissing me on the head and then walking out.

I wished that wasn’t common knowledge. Yawning, I reached for a book to read when my phone buzzed. I lifted it. “Albertini.”

“Hi, it’s Nick.”

“Hey, I just talked to Pierce. It sounds like there’s movement on your case. Not good movement.”

Nick groaned. “Wonderful. Did he say when I might be arrested?”

“He didn’t give me that much of a heads-up, but he did say you probably needed to find a lawyer who’s at full strength.”

“You’re my lawyer.”

I really appreciated that he had faith in me. “Okay. I’m taking the day off after getting shot. You didn’t tell me it hurt this bad.”

“Yes, I did. You just ignored me,” Nick said. “I’m fine now, though. It’s a quick heal.”


