Hacker in Love Read Online Lauren Rowe

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 177
Estimated words: 169272 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 846(@200wpm)___ 677(@250wpm)___ 564(@300wpm)

Josh, who normally takes the lead when it comes to drink orders, requests another round, as well as some shots of Patron, too, at which point, his brother, Jonas, uncharacteristically calls out, “And a couple bottles of champagne! We’re celebrating tonight.”

“Oh yeah?” the waitress calls back to Jonas above the din of the music. “What are we celebrating?”

“Oh, just, you know . . .” Jonas looks lovingly at Sarah. “Life.”

Aw. They’re too cute. Blabbermouth that she is, Kat has already revealed to me, in strict confidence today at lunch, that Jonas is going to propose to Sarah next week in Greece—which Kat only knows because Jonas asked her opinion of the ring he bought for Sarah—and after watching the pair for the past hour or so, I can plainly surmise Sarah’s reply to Jonas’s proposal will be a resounding yes.

Josh says, “Well, Jonas might be celebrating life, but I’ve actually got a few specific things I’d like to celebrate tonight.” Josh raises his glass and the rest of us follow suit. “First, I want to celebrate Hannah officially joining our Ocean’s Eleven crew. Welcome, Hannah. You fit right in.”

My flabber is gasted. “Thank you,” I squeak out. I push up my glasses, feeling fidgety and excited. I can’t believe Josh even thought to welcome me as his first order of business—and that the whole group is now echoing Josh’s sentiments with such enthusiasm.

“We all have our roles to play, Hannah,” Josh continues. “So now that you’re officially part of the crew, I’d like to christen you our cookie-baking Olivia Newton-John.”

I giggle. “Wow. Thank you. I accept my role with humble gratitude. What’s everyone else’s roles?”

“Well, he’s the asshole,” Josh says, motioning to his brother. “Also, the comic relief, though hardly ever intentionally.” He winks at his brother, who’s rolling his eyes, before shifting his gaze to Sarah. “Sarah’s our George Clooney—our fearless leader—and also Jonas’ handler. Without Sarah, Jonas becomes very, very cranky—so I’d like to take this moment to expressly thank Sarah Cruz for coming into my brother’s life. By doing so, you’ve made mine immeasurably better.” Josh beams a huge smile at Jonas, who laughs heartily. Next, Josh flashes an adoring grin at Henn to my right. “Henn’s our fucking genius, of course. I’m sure that’s not news to you, Hannah. Plus, the guy’s heart has a ten-terabyte storage capacity.”

“Yes, I’m well aware of that,” I say. I take Henn’s hand and squeeze it, emphasizing my agreement with Josh’s description of him. “And you and Kat? What are your roles in the crew?”

“Well, unfortunately, I’m nothing but a playboy,” Josh says. “Just coasting on everyone’s coattails, pretty much. I’m not particularly useful or smart. Just the eye candy of the group.”

As we all crack up, Kat bats Josh’s shoulder and says to me, “Don’t listen to him. He’s wise and powerful beyond measure.”

“Oh, well that’s true,” Josh agrees. “Hannah, you might as well learn it now: I’m wise and powerful beyond anything your feeble mind could possibly comprehend. Let me just say, in advance of whatever pearls of wisdom I’ll bestow upon you one day in the near future: you’re very welcome.”

I giggle. “Thank you, Josh, in advance. Wow, I’m honored to be in your presence.”

“As you should be. Thank you.” Finally, Josh turns to Kat. “And Kat here? Well, the list is too long to say it all right now, but I’ll give you the Cliff’s Notes version. She’s our secret weapon. The Party Girl with a Hyphen who also happens to be The Party Girl with the Heart of Gold. Plus, she’s a suicide bomber, a terrorist, and, sometimes, if you really rile her up, a very stubborn cat.” When Kat guffaws, Josh adds, “And she’s got the best laugh you’ve ever heard, as I’m sure you already know. The girl laughs like a dude.”

We all agree Kat’s laugh is positively adorable and infectious, and Kat looks visibly touched.

“I have an item for the toast,” Jonas says.

“Hang on, bro,” Josh says, waving him off. “I’m not done with Kat.” Josh looks deeply into Kat’s eyes, instantly causing my heart to pound vicariously. Whoa. That’s quite a heated look Josh is bestowing upon my beloved bestie. Kat once said she wished Josh would look at her like Henn looked at me in front of The Fake Eiffel Tower. Well, the girl just got her wish.

“She’s loyal,” Josh says reverently, his eyes still locked with Kat’s. “And honest. A force of nature when she wants something. She loves her family. And her hair smells incredible.”

Kat’s chest heaves. Something big is happening here. I can feel it. And based on Kat’s body language, she can feel it, too.

“There’s more, but we’d be here all night,” Josh says. Slowly, he leans in and kisses Kat’s lips, sending zings of arousal between my legs and an arrhythmia into my heart. Good lord.


