Have Mercy Read online Christina Lee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 83379 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 417(@200wpm)___ 334(@250wpm)___ 278(@300wpm)

Shoving my hand down the back of his jeans, I squeezed his firm ass.

“So nice. You like to bottom?”

His eyes met my reflection. “I’m not choosy. But yeah, I prefer it.”

“Damn, now I can’t help wonderin’ how your ass might look swallowin’ my cock.”

He trembled. “I can’t…fuck, you’re gonna make me come.”

I sucked on the spot where his shoulder met his neck as I resumed stroking him, more sloppily this time. When I slid my finger down his crease and lightly circled his hole, he lost it. I watched in the mirror as he groaned and shuddered out his release, felt his seed spilling over my knuckles. Fucking hell.

“So sexy.” I made quick work of my own button and zipper, then reached for my cock, using his come for lubrication, and there was something so erotic about our semen mixing together. “Goddamn, I need to come.”

He watched my reflection when I stepped toward him and began pumping my cock, frantic desperation filling my balls to bursting point.

His chin slumped to his forearms, and he thrust out his beautiful ass, now fully exposed to me. I smacked one of his pretty globes, leaving a pink streak as I imagined my cock splitting those meaty cheeks.

When he moaned enticingly, I struggled to hold back. My come spurted onto his pale skin, painting his ass cheeks, some of it trickling down his crease to his hole. That visual almost made my cock rally, a second string of seed leaking out and dripping over my fist.

“Holy hell.” I screwed my eyes shut as I shuddered and moaned and blinked the floating stars out of my eyes. Feeling faint, I anchored my head against his shoulder.

The room grew quiet, the only sound our heavy breaths in the hollowed space.

Guilt tried to worm its way inside me. I lifted my head and gulped in air. “Sorry if that was too much.”

“It was fucking hot.” His eyes met mine in the mirror. “And exactly what I needed.”



The ride home was quiet, each staring numbly at the road in front of us. Both satiated as well, that was for certain. Fuck, what had that been in the bathroom? He was so intense, the way he took control. It was too much and not enough all at once. The way Kerry made me lose myself in his voice and touch until I erupted like a geyser. And then watching him chase his own orgasm while he painted my ass with his jizz wasn’t something I’d soon forget.

I knew he’d want it to remain a one-off—I could practically see the guilt seeping out of his pores, for Christ’s sake—so I figured there was no way I’d convince him otherwise.

Sienna was sitting on the swing with a glass of wine when we got home, and I felt Kerry stiffen beside me. I wanted to say, Consenting adults, remember? But I also couldn’t get the words out, so we exited the car, wrapped in that same reverent silence.

“How was it?” Sienna asked. I could see thin shadows under her eyes, and I wondered if something was on her mind or if she was having trouble sleeping.

I smirked. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“He thinks we’re all a bunch of daredevil rednecks now,” Kerry joked, and I was glad for the icebreaker.

“Not gonna lie, some of that stuff was heart-pounding scary.”

Sienna laughed. “Ainsley might agree with you.”

Kerry went on to bed but not before throwing a meaningful glance back at me that I couldn’t quite read, and I wanted to follow him down the hallway and show him exactly how he’d stolen a piece of my soul tonight—and more.

Instead, I sat for a few minutes with my cousin because I wanted to get my head on straight. Hopefully I didn’t look too worse for wear.

“How’s Aunt Maggie?” I asked, resting my leg on the wicker ottoman. My knee was throbbing, likely from all the tension draining from my body, only to begin seeping back in now.

Consenting adults, damn it.

Fuck. Maybe it didn’t sound as redeeming as I thought.

“She’s good.” But the weariness in Sienna’s features told me something else was on her mind. “She wants Ainsley to compete like she herself did as a kid. But Ainsley’s not ready for that. Even though she’s not exactly pushing the issue, I can tell she’s hoping Ainsley takes a bigger interest after each show they attend. It’s exhausting, honestly.”

“Damn, that’s tough. Ever think about telling her straight out?”

She winced. “I know I should. It’s probably time. I’ve been walking on eggshells around her ever since Dad remarried. I want her to be happy and find something fulfilling, which she did. She loves showing horses again.”

Mom and Aunt Maggie were best friends, even though they had completely different lives and temperaments. Aunt Maggie thought Mom was too easygoing, and Mom always complained how stubborn her sister was about certain things. Sienna’s divorce from Kerry, for example. Though, I got it. She never wanted Sienna to follow in her footsteps. But what was that saying about best-laid plans?


