Her Grumpy Valentine – Tangled in Temptation Read Online Loni Ree

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 23
Estimated words: 21250 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 106(@200wpm)___ 85(@250wpm)___ 71(@300wpm)

“Lunch?” I blink several times, wondering if I’m hearing things.

“Would you have lunch with me?” he clarifies, and I realize being around Nash Hart could be very dangerous to my heart.

My pulse accelerates at the suggestion, but I rein it in, reminding myself of where this could lead. I’m not looking for just a casual hookup, not even with someone as intriguing as Nash. “Tempting, but I already have plans,” I reply, injecting my refusal with a lightness I hope hides any trace of reluctance.

He shrugs, a movement so smooth it’s like he’s practiced it a thousand times. “No worries. We’ll do it some other time. Thanks again for the massage.”

With that, he saunters out, leaving behind a trace of his energy that lingers in the space between us. I watch him go, feeling a mix of relief and the slightest hint of missed opportunity.

Just then, Ione, our ever-astute receptionist, sidles over, a teasing grin plastered across her face. “Girl, you totally should’ve gone out with the hottie,” she chides, shaking her head in dramatic disbelief.

I laugh, shrugging off the tension coursing through me. “I’m not looking for a fling with a divorce lawyer. Not now.” My voice is firm, but there’s an edge of humor I can’t quite quash. She knows me well enough to see through it.

Ione rolls her eyes affectionately, nudging me playfully. “I didn’t say you had to go through with the purchase. Just take him for a test drive or two.”

I chuckle at the silly expression on her face. As much as there’s a part of me that’s curious, I know what I want, and right now, it isn’t tangling with a charming attorney and all the chaos he probably comes with.

I storm off the elevator and through the lobby, already feeling the tension building back up like a storm cloud. It’s Monday, and I’m in one hell of a shitty mood. Margot’s eyes widen as she stares at me like I’ve grown a second head. I guess she senses the bad vibes radiating off me in waves. Good. No one would dare fuck with me today.

Margot’s the first to catch the brunt of it. She’s barely at her desk when I start firing off orders like a drill sergeant in a courtroom. “I need the Johnson file on my desk in five and cancel my meeting with the Watsons. It’s pointless.” My tone is razor-sharp, leaving no room for questions. She nods, her lips pressed tightly together, but there’s a flicker of irritation in her eyes. Fine by me. Welcome to the club. It sucks to suck.

Nora breezes in, looking fresh and ready to conquer the world, which only grates on my nerves. “Nash, I’m glad you’re here⁠—”

“Now isn’t the time,” I cut her off, not bothering to mask my irritation. Her eyes widen slightly before narrowing to slits. It’s not that I want to be an asshole, but this Monday has a vengeance, and I’m leading the charge.

My bad mood extends to Orson Lewis, the new hotshot lawyer we’ve just hired. Fresh meat. He’s barely stepped into the lobby when I give him a once-over. “Time to get your ass in gear. This place doesn’t coddle rookies.” It’s brusque, bordering on rude, but I don’t have the bandwidth to sugarcoat things today.

The office hums around me with its usual Monday chaos, my irritation twisting the energy into something jagged. I throw myself into my chair, running a hand through my hair in exasperation. My job usually pumps me full of adrenaline, but today, it’s just noise. When my mind drifts back to Saturday, the memory hits like a freight train I can’t shake off no matter how hard I try.

First, I had to deal with an emotion I’ve never felt before—jealousy. Just thinking about Leni touching other men’s bodies as a part of her job didn’t sit well with me. Then, she told me she mostly works with elderly patients, and I relaxed a little.

But the gorgeous massage therapist had one more surprise in store for me. Disappointment nearly brought me to my knees when Leni refused my lunch invitation. I have no doubt her “previous plans” involved another man, and that didn’t sit well with me at all. It was as if she had a knife and carved out a piece of my chest, leaving an aching hole in its wake. Her rejection cut fucking deep, and the thought of another man touching her causes jealousy to tear at my soul.

The whole walk out of the spa felt like one long, limping ordeal, with the lush scents of eucalyptus and lavender taunting me the entire drive home.

It’s funny how a couple of seemingly innocent words could hit so hard. As a divorce attorney, I spend my days sifting through broken marriages and emotionally shattered clients. I’ve always told myself I’ll never let another person have so much control over my happiness. I guess the fucking universe had different plans for me because it dropped the perfect woman right into my lap.


