His Boss for Christmas Read Online Alessandra Hazard

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Magic, Novella, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 16
Estimated words: 15318 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 77(@200wpm)___ 61(@250wpm)___ 51(@300wpm)

“No, it’s a reward,” Peter would tell him, holding his gaze. “You can walk out now and we’ll pretend it never happened. Or you can come over here and have the privilege of sucking my cock.” It wasn’t arrogance. He knew his reputation in lawyers’ circles. For many young lawyers, sucking his cock would be a turn-on.

The boy would hesitate, but then he would kneel down between his legs and open his pretty mouth for Peter’s cock, looking up at Peter with hero worship in his eyes. Peter would grab his bright hair and fuck into the associate’s mouth, fast and hard, abusing his power over him and forcing him to take it, owning him completely—

Peter groaned and, turning onto his side, slipped his aching cock between Justin’s thighs. His skin was so soft… Fuck, it felt so damn good… A few rough thrusts between Justin’s thighs was enough to push him over the edge. He came with a low moan, muffling it against Justin’s neck.

Breathing hard, Peter pressed his lips to Justin’s throat. Justin mumbled his name in his sleep.

His chest tight with affection, Peter kissed him on his warm cheek. Justin didn’t awaken, only smiled a little and squirmed even closer to him. He looked so damn endearing. Peter kissed him on the forehead, breathing him in.

He froze, realizing what he was doing.

He didn’t kiss people on their foreheads or cheeks. He most definitely didn’t grind against them like a teenager while they slept.

Fuck. He couldn’t believe Justin had reduced him to this.

He would pay for this in the morning.

Chapter 8

The shrill sound of his alarm woke him up.

Groaning, Peter reached for his phone, trying to find it without opening his eyes.

He failed, of course.

“What’s that noise?” Justin mumbled, burying his face tighter against Peter’s armpit, as if trying to hide there.

Opening his eyes, Peter finally located his phone and turned his alarm off. “My alarm. Rise and shine, Danvers.”

“No,” Justin mumbled. “I refuse. It’s Christmas Eve. And it’s still dark.”

“It’s six.”

“Six? Why are we getting up at six? Our office is a short elevator ride away.”

“We have just enough time to have sex if we’re efficient.”

“You put sex into your schedule?”

“Of course,” Peter said. “Now get on it.”

“You’re a tyrant,” Justin said, slipping his hand down Peter’s bare chest and wrapping it around his morning wood. He sighed. “I kind of hoped you’d have a small cock. But of course you don’t. Life isn’t fair.”

“Shut up and suck my cock, dear. We’re running on a tight schedule.”

Laughing into his armpit, Justin started stroking his cock. “I’m too sleepy to suck you off. A handjob will have to do. It’s your own fault for scheduling sex at ass o’clock.”

“It’s your fault for falling asleep yesterday. If I’d fucked you last night, the issue would have been fixed.”

Justin groaned. “God, why is it that your horrible attitude doesn’t piss me off? It shouldn’t be endearing. I need help.”

“What you need is my cock in you.” Peter slid his hand down Justin’s bare back, groping his perky ass. “We’re wasting time, Danvers. Get lube from the drawer.”

“Figures you’d be unbearably bossy even in bed,” Justin grumbled, but he let go of Peter’s cock and did as he was told. “Fucking control freak.”

“Don’t pretend you don’t like it,” Peter said. “Get on your stomach.”

With much grumbling, Justin flopped onto his stomach.

Peter took a moment to look at him, stroking his erection to take the edge off.

Justin was beautiful, all smooth, pale skin and a plump, muscular ass Peter wanted to sink his teeth in.

So he did.

Justin yelped. “Peter!”

Laughing, Peter kissed the mark he’d just left and opened the bottle of lube. It was strange. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed during sex. It wasn’t as though he wasn’t aroused—he was, to the point that his cock fucking ached and throbbed, already leaking precome—but there was lightness and warmth in his chest he usually didn’t feel during sex.

He prepped the boy carefully but quickly, barely touching his prostate as he stretched him with his fingers. Justin was still squirming within minutes.

“Fuck.” Justin’s voice was a mix of a groan and a whine. He turned his head to look at Peter over his shoulder. “Come on, I’m ready. Want your cock. Wanted it forever.”

Peter had to squeeze the base of his cock to stop himself from coming like a green boy. He spread lube all over his cock with his left hand, his eyes flicking back and forth between Justin’s sweet profile and the way his hole was sucking in the tips of Peter’s fingers. He thrust his fingers in and out, watching Justin’s eyes become more heavy-lidded, his face flushing and lips parting as he panted.

“Come on,” Justin whined, pushing back onto his fingers. “Aren’t we on a tight schedule? I’m ready, Peter.”


