Hot Moves – Summer Lovin Read Online Loni Ree

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 28286 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 141(@200wpm)___ 113(@250wpm)___ 94(@300wpm)

Antonio and Renaldo step into the room, their presence a reminder that even in this sanctuary, the outside world waits. But for now, for this moment, I focus solely on Mira, my fierce resolve solidifying into an unbreakable promise.

“Rest now,” I say softly, leaning in to press a kiss to Mira’s forehead. “I’m here. We’ll get through this. Together.”

As her eyes close, finding solace in my presence, I sit by her side, my hand tightly holding hers.

As Mira drifts off to sleep, her breathing evens out, and I gently release her hand. Each step away from her bedside feels like I’m leaving a part of myself behind, but there are questions in need of answers and actions I need to take. I walk to the door, casting one last glance at her peaceful form before stepping into the hospital hallway.

The fluorescent lights cast a stark, unyielding glow on everything, amplifying the sterile scent of antiseptics. Antonio and Luca are waiting just outside, their faces a mix of concern and steely determination. Renaldo stands a bit further down the hall, talking quietly with one of the nurses.

I motion for Antonio and Luca to follow me to a more secluded corner, away from prying eyes and ears. I need answers, and I need them quickly.

“Tell me,” I say, my voice low but charged with an intensity that brooks no interference. “Was this accident deliberate? Was Mira targeted?”

Antonio shakes his head, his eyes meeting mine with unwavering seriousness. “We don’t think so, Lorenzo. From the initial reports, it looks like a careless driver ran a red light and hit the SUV. Renaldo overheard a paramedic telling a cop the asshole was drunk off his ass.”

Luca nods in agreement. “It doesn’t appear to be a planned attack, but we’re not taking any chances. We’re going to investigate thoroughly, and I’ve already put some of our best men on it.”

I swallow hard, the tightness in my chest easing but not disappearing. “I want surveillance footage pulled from every camera on that street. I want the driver’s identification, background checks, everything. We can’t assume this was random.”

Antonio’s eyes mirror my own intensity. “Agreed. We’ll start with traffic cams and local businesses. If there’s anything suspicious, we’ll find it.”

“And increase security for Mira and Lila,” I say, my voice firm. “No gaps. I want them covered at all times.”

Luca places a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “We’ll handle it, Lorenzo. You focus on Mira right now. Let us do the groundwork.”

I nod, clenching and unclenching my fists to dispel some of the residual tension. “Thank you.”

They turn to leave, but Luca pauses, looking back at me. “She’s strong, Lorenzo. She’ll pull through this. And we’ll make sure nothing like this happens again.”

I nod again, appreciating his words but feeling the weight of my own fears and responsibilities pressing heavily on my shoulders. As they walk away, I take a moment to gather myself, leaning against the cool wall and taking deep breaths.

The thought of losing Mira, of her being in harm’s way because of me, is unbearable. I’ve built an empire, navigated treacherous waters, and faced countless threats, but nothing compares to the raw, visceral fear of seeing her hurt.

I straighten and push off the wall before making my way back to the room. The door opens quietly, and I step inside, the sight of Mira’s sleeping form bringing a rush of conflicting emotions. Relief, protectiveness, and a steely resolve flow through my soul as I resolve to keep her safe no matter what.

I sit back down beside her, taking her hand in mine once more, and feel the warmth and the faint thrum of her pulse. The day’s events replay in my mind, but beneath the fear and the wrath lies the clear, undeniable truth. I love my little bambolina and will protect her with every ounce of my being.

No one will ever harm her again while I draw breath.

As the night deepens, I stay by her side, my mind a razor-sharp focus on the days ahead. There will be answers, there will be justice, and through it all, Mira will know that she’s safe with me, no matter the cost.

For now, though, I take solace in her presence, grounding myself in the simplicity of her touch and the love that binds us for all eternity.



It's been a week since I was released from the hospital, and while the luxury and comfort of the penthouse have been a blessing, Lorenzo's overprotectiveness is driving me nuts.

I appreciate his concern, but enough is enough. Every little twitch I make is met with a flurry of questions or an insistent offer to help. As I sit on the couch, flipping aimlessly through a magazine, I can feel Lorenzo's eyes on me from across the room.

"Do you need anything, bambolina? Water? A pillow?" he asks for the gazillionth time this morning.


