How About No Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Bear Bottom Guardians MC #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Funny, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Bear Bottom Guardians MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 76046 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 380(@200wpm)___ 304(@250wpm)___ 253(@300wpm)

It always had.

She liked that my dick had a mind of its own.

She also liked to play with me—to torture me—just because she was so fascinated by it.

Her favorite thing in the world was to order me ‘not to get hard’ and then play with my soft cock.

And, okay, who the hell wouldn’t get hard with their wife’s hand on their dick?

That’s right, nobody.

But, I did try.

It usually took me thinking about an arrest that was particularly difficult or having to do something repugnant like cleaning vomit out of the back seat of my police cruiser, but I did manage to get about one to two minutes before I just couldn’t take it anymore.

How did I know it was one to two minutes? I watched the clock while it happened.

“I want to touch it,” she whispered, sounding tired.

I snorted. “Then do it.”

Her eyes flicked to the door and back to my dick, which made it jerk.

“The nurse told me that she didn’t have time or enough staff to check on me tonight,” I said. “She flat out said that I’d need to call her if I had any problems, too. Trust me when I say, they won’t be coming.”

She looked torn for all of five seconds, and then lifted the waistband of my sweats up with one finger, peeking inside like it held a present for her and she just wanted to get a small peek.

That lasted for all of three seconds, and then she was pushing the band of my sweats down and over the length of my cock.

I growled a low curse and hissed when she moved the band even lower so that it was laying against my balls, causing my dick to stick straight up in the air with the added support. Not that it really needed the support, but still.

“If they come in here,” she whispered. “I’m going to be so freakin’ mad at you.”

I reached for the little light switch on the bed, ignoring the way my goddamn leg screamed when I moved it and hit the switch.

The room around us plunged into darkness, and the only light there was to be had was the green glowing numbers on the remote control laying on the bedside table.

I’d just settled back into the bed, relief swamping me from no longer having any strain on my leg when I lost what little breath I’d been able to regain as her tiny hand closed around my dick.

It jumped in her hand, and my balls rode up even closer to my body, and I practically started to count in my head to keep myself from coming.

I could masturbate for a goddamn half hour while watching porn on my phone, but goddamn if one tiny little touch from her goddamn soft hand didn’t bring me to my knees.

“What are you thinking about?” Her breath whispered across my lips, and I groaned.

“You,” I said. “Your hand wrapped around me. The way you make me feel. The way that I can’t seem to hold onto my control when you’re anywhere around.” I searched for her mouth with mine and found it when she closed the distance.

Our lips met in heated fervor, and I growled as her tongue slipped into my mouth.

I’d never been much of a kisser. I didn’t like kissing—the goddamn mouth was a hot zone of bacteria and other things that really grossed me out—but Landry had always been the exception.

My tongue dueled with hers, and my gut clenched as I tried to tell myself not to come.

“Baby,” I panted against her lips, pulling back only slightly. “Take those sweats off and get on top of me.”

She did as I asked, moving with haste to do exactly what I’d asked of her.

Moments later, her hot pussy was settling down over the saddle of my hips, and my dick was in heaven.

A thought occurred to me, and I moved until I was on my side and she was directly in front of me, her back facing my front.

It put us in the perfect position for me to take her while also being covered up on the off chance that a nurse did decide to come check on us.

I hiked her leg up and curled my arm around her thigh.

“Put me inside of you,” I ordered, sawing my cock back and forth between her exposed pussy lips.

By the time she reached for me, I was thoroughly coated in her juices, and I was yet again on the verge of coming.

My breaths were coming fast, and the feel of Landry’s thigh in my hand had me thinking such naughty thoughts.

The skin right near her panty line was so goddamn soft that I wanted to rub my lips against it, make my beard give her a burn that said ‘Wade’s been here.’

But then she latched onto my cock and guided it to her entrance, and I lost the ability to think.


