Inheriting Miss Fortune – The Billionaire Brotherhood Read Online Lucy Lennox

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 111
Estimated words: 104448 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 522(@200wpm)___ 418(@250wpm)___ 348(@300wpm)

Lellie was good throughout most of the long, boring process, only making a break for it once while Dev and I were signing the last few items. Susanna stepped out to take a call, and Lellie tried to follow, but fortunately, her toddler stumble was unsteady enough that we noticed her escape attempt immediately. I headed her off while Dev swooped in from behind, scooped her up, and tickled her.

“Not so much different than cutting horses,” I teased so only Dev could hear.

“True.” Dev gave me one of his genuine, devastating smiles. “And easier with teamwork,” he said softly, making my heart race.

The tech produced a lollipop for Lellie, ensuring her continued cooperation, and we returned to witness the tech slide the samples into the labeled packages, seal them, and sign the final couple of forms without incident before making our way back out to the waiting room…

Where everyone and their damned brother was waiting for us.

My happy mood immediately soured, and I could sense Dev’s anxiety rising again.

I’d spotted Dev’s parents as soon as we’d pulled into the parking lot. His father had the same head of dark hair, and his mother had something of Dev in the shape of her face or the set of her mouth. They’d stayed quiet up to now, seeming to wait to be called on by Pastor Scott before asking to see their only grandchild.

My boss approached as soon as we came from the back into the larger waiting room. “I think it would be a sign of good faith to allow the Scotts to take Eleanor for the night.”

I tilted my head at Orris while holding Lellie tighter. “I’m not sure I understand what you mean by ‘good faith’ in this case.”

He frowned. “They’re her grandparents. It’s only right to allow them a visit while all of this gets sorted out.”

Dev’s mom was clearly listening because she nodded her head emphatically, her eyes never leaving her granddaughter.

I felt Dev move behind me. His hand brushed gently across my lower back where no one could see it before he came around me and reached for Lellie with a murmured thanks.

He stepped forward into the center of the small crowd. “Mom, Dad, this is Lellie. My daughter.”

I wondered later if their quick glance at Pastor Scott for permission to approach had anything to do with what happened next. To be fair to Dev, he tried to ignore it at first.

Pastor Scott approached from the side with his arms out. “Come to Grandpa, sweetie. We sure are happy to see you, yes we are.”

Mrs. Scott was already crying while Mrs. McKay clutched her hands together in white-knuckled control.

Dev glanced at Katie’s father. “Pastor Scott, respectfully, since you’ve already met Lellie, I’d like a few minutes with my parents. I’m sure you can agree they have some lost time to make up for.”

Again, the McKays watched Pastor Scott for his response. He frowned. “And whose fault was that? Kathryn obviously didn’t feel that a relationship with any paternal relatives was necessary.”

Dev remained calm. “Until she gave me full custody of Lellie in her will. And given that I will now be her full legal guardian, I’m sure you can respect my attempts to honor my father and my mother by allowing them to meet their grandchild. I will ask you again politely to move back and allow me to have a moment with my parents.”

Pastor Scott’s nostrils flared, but he finally tilted his chin down and allowed Dev to move to the side where he and his parents could have a moment. After a significant look and head tilt from Orris, I followed him to the opposite side of the room.

“Don’t worry,” he said in a low voice. “The McKays know what to do.”

I glanced over at Dev, who seemed to be involved in an awkward introduction between Lellie and his parents. She clung to him and resisted all of his parents’ attempts to reach for her.

“What do you mean?” I asked. “What will they do?”

“They’ve given John’s team plenty of information to help prove he would be an unfit parent. Their loyalty is well-placed as they’ve been members of the Scotts’ congregation for quite a while now.”

My stomach dropped. “What kind of information?” I looked for Susanna, who caught my glance and crinkled her eyebrows.

“He has a history of wild spending—they suspect gambling may have been involved, suspicion of reckless endangerment, and he’s neglected to communicate with his parents for over five years. Apparently, he’s not what you’d call a family man.”

I nodded along as he continued to tell me that John had the case fully in hand and that Orris appreciated me keeping such a close eye on the Scotts’ “precious treasure.”

“Now, we could really use your help. The Scotts would like some alone time with their granddaughter. Do you think the best way to go about it would be to arrange for the McKays to take her overnight? McKay might be more amenable to his own parents’ request, and I’m sure Franklin and Delaney would be happy to host them at their house so they can all enjoy some quality time with her.”


