Lacey’s Daddy – Littleworld Read Online Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33811 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 169(@200wpm)___ 135(@250wpm)___ 113(@300wpm)

I’m mesmerized, watching his fluid movements as he removes the bottle, screws a nipple on it, and shakes it up. “It’s better for your tummy if you drink it warm, Little one,” he tells me before heading for a large recliner.

He settles in the chair, still cradling me, and offers me the bottle. “I want you to finish your bottles completely, Baby girl. You’re underweight.”

I start sucking and moan around the nipple. It’s so good, and I’m so hungry again.

Daddy smiles at me while I eat, rocking me gently. He never takes his gaze off mine. “Other Daddies on the island told me how bonding it is to bottle feed their Littles, but I never understood until now.”

I’m not sure I fully understand, but I do feel so very close to him.

He holds the bottle with one hand and plays with my fingers with the other, stroking my knuckles absently. “I know you’ve been going to the Dungeon for a long time, but did you realize you were this Little, sweet girl?”

I shake my head as I continue sucking.

“Have you ever pictured yourself wearing a diaper or taking a bottle?”

I hesitate and then give a slight nod. I thought I was strange when I had thoughts like that, but Daddy doesn’t seem to think it’s weird.

His smile broadens, but he doesn’t say more until the bottle is empty. He sets it aside and wraps his arms around me, holding me close, nuzzling my neck. “I love how you smell.”

I giggle, partly because it tickles. “You washed me with baby soap. I assume I smell like a baby.”

“You smell like my sweet girl combined with baby soap.” He sits back, putting a few inches between our faces before suddenly lifting me up a bit by the hips. “Turn toward me and straddle my lap, Little one.”

I lift my bare leg over him and tuck my feet in next to his hips, sitting on his thighs. My hands come to his shoulders.

“That’s better. We need to talk. I like you looking me in the eye when we talk.” He rubs my back over the pink shirt.

My stomach falls. Talk? I don’t like that idea. Is he going to take me back home? Tears spring to my eyes. I could probably go home, and my father would never know I’d been gone because he’s away for the entire weekend, but I will never be the same after spending the night in this apartment, warm and fed and cherished.

“Hey there…” He cups my face and swipes at my tears with his thumbs. “Why the tears?”

I shrug and mutter, “Are you going to take me home now?”

He frowns. “No, Little one. Never. Not your cabin anyway. I’d like to talk about taking you to my home. On the island.”

My breath hitches. “Oh.” He said the same thing last night, but I didn’t let myself believe it.

“I hate to rush you to make a decision this important, but I have to go back tomorrow, so we don’t have a choice. We have to talk about your options. If you’d like to give the island a try, I will sponsor you. You would move into my home, and I would take care of you while you find yourself. I won’t lie and say I’m not attracted to you. I’m head over heels for you, Little one. If I had my way, I would make you permanently mine right now and never let you go. But you’re not ready for something like that. You’ve been through a lot. You need counseling to help you get to a place where your past doesn’t haunt you every day of your life.”

Make me permanently his? What does that mean?

“If it’s too soon, or you don’t think you want to go to the island, I’ll spend today making other arrangements for you.” His brow furrows as he says that. “I bet I can find someone from the Dungeon you can stay with while you get on your feet, maybe even a Daddy if that’s what you want.”

My eyes widen. “I don’t want a different Daddy,” I tell him.

He eases his palms down to my back again. “You think you’d like to give this Daddy a try?” He smiles.

I nod. I want that so badly. It’s hard to believe it could be true, but the flutters return.

“Moving to the island is a huge commitment, Little one. I need to explain to you what you’d be agreeing to before you decide.”

There’s nothing to decide. I don’t care what he says. I want to go. But I listen to him.

“First of all, it’s important to know that all Littles live fully regressed like you are right now. They wear diapers and T-shirts. Sometimes sandals or tennis shoes. Nothing else. No exceptions.”

“Always?” That’s hard to wrap my head around.


