Total pages in book: 16
Estimated words: 14503 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 73(@200wpm)___ 58(@250wpm)___ 48(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 14503 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 73(@200wpm)___ 58(@250wpm)___ 48(@300wpm)
We pull up to the venue and all four of us vacate the vehicle. Of course we all look around, checking for an ambush or anything that looks suspect and we are all satisfied, we walk inside. There are hired guards at the door that belong to neither faction. I recognize one. He was in Poland rescuing a girl who had been trafficked.
“Jorgensen.” I say, holding out my hand.
“Zielinska, I am surprised to see you here. I thought your base of operation was in Polska.”
“It is, but I am out here taking care of some last-minute things for my family.” He grunts and holds out his hand.
“All weapons at the door.” I look at him first like he is joking but he simply stares at me. That makes me a bit twitchy. “Look, I have been hired by all sides to make sure this remains…neutral. So check your weapons at the door.” I look at my brother and note his inclined head.
“Jakub called and said he gave his consent since we are here on his behalf.” Well shit. It would have been nice if someone told me. Reluctantly, I cock my chamber and put on the safety before putting it into the box. Subtly I check my ear comms to make sure the guys can hear us outside.
“Are y’all on alert.”
“Yeah Wic. We heard.” Nodding, I walk into the conference room, and I see we are the first ones here, so we don’t have to be announced.
Sitting in silence I have a second to think about my love and how she would react to finding out who I am. Someone as precious and vulnerable as she is, would she understand? Could she live with who I am? Could I see myself staying here indefinitely?
“Schäfer Syndicate.” I stand when one of the guards announces the Deutsche Mafia or as known in America, the German Mafia. The Schäfer’s are pretty widely known though they have less of hold then the DeSantis but formidable, nonetheless. I am curious however, why they called this meeting and what they are doing here in Chicago? Their territory is in Pennsylvania.
“My name is Claus.” I assume he is the leader. He introduces himself in a heavy accent, holding his hand out.
Taking the gesture I introduce myself. “I am Wictor of Polska.” he nods his head and looks around.
“I see the Muschi hasn’t arrived yet.” I don’t know what he said but by the disgust on his face I can tell it is not respectful. This is going to be interesting. Just when I am going to attempt to warn him, the guards make the announcement. Let the chess begin.
We all get out of the Hummers and wait for Giulia to walk to the front. I have to take a second to admire how at five months pregnant she is still a force to be reckoned with. She turns to the grip and addresses all of us.
“Luna, you and your crew and Dalian are with me. The rest of you take up the perimeters. Be stealthy. The Germans are unpredictable and trigger happy.” everyone nods. “And remember who we are. We are going in there as the top dogs and leaving the same way. We don’t fuck around, take disrespect or tolerate those trying to one up us.”
“We all sound off ready for anything.” Per usual she has her sword at her side walking to the door.
“Gentleman.” She says, nodding at both of the guards.
“Ma’am. Weapons are not allowed inside. Please check them here.” We all look to Giulia for permission, and she nods her nod. All the weapons are checked and then the guards look at her. “The sword as well.” She looks at them like they just told her a joke.
“Don’t tell me a bunch of strong men are scared of little ole me and my toy.” She plays coy, but we all know the truth. That sword is the reason we are one of the four most feared organizations in the country. We share that title with The Valldares Family, Dario Lassiter, and the Vitali’s.
“Those are the rules.” I gulp because her face changes in milliseconds.
“I am not going in there with something, and I am pregnant. Do we understand one another?” this big old Viking looking dude steps back with his eyes big and opens the door for us. That is the type of respect she commands.
“The DeSantis Family.” he announces and we all pile in. The first face I see is the German and I can tell he is getting incensed that she has her sword. He stands up sputtering with indignation.
“I demand she surrender that. Why should she get an advantage?” Giulia, unphased by his outburst, simply responds.
“Because I am the biggest dick in the room.” I hear the snickers behind us, and I try to hide mine. When I am fully in, I wait to see if he is going to say anything else, but he simply sits down and in a show of disrespect doesn’t hold his hand out to shake. Oh shit. Out of the corner of my eye I see the guy stand and before I can get a good look his voice runs through me like warm whiskey.